

SAVAGE COLONIES - ep1 : Breaking Ties

Sybil folds her fists. Her older siblings and her parents who were against each other have now joined hands in order to defeat her. She is seeing them formulating their disagreement into a real fight. Her brother starts. He confronts Sybil and they watch purple flames hit the wall as Sybil skids the strike.

Sybil shakes her head in disbelief. She turns to go to her room.


Another blast. The mother hating her son's way of approach, she tries to attack him but the sister puts the blow in the end before it hits her partner.


'I am petrified,' Sybil cried.


'Huh!' Sybil jumped.

'Relax,' Pieter said, pulling himself from the floor where he fell when Sybil pushed him in her petrified jump. He patted himself to remove the dust and the dirt particles though the tiled-floor office was that clean. 'It's just a phone ring.'

Sybil put the phone to her ear. She listened for few seconds and with every second, she was becoming more restless and furious. Hanging up, she ran out vastly. Even when Pieter called after her, she did not listen. He ran after her. The last moment he saw her turning left and by the next second, he had lost her. He could not run as first as Sybil.

He ran back to the office, panting. As soon as he reached inside, he rested his hands at his hips, gulping as much air he could gulp.

'Let’s go,' said Ferna.

Ferna had just come from their boss’ office.

Sybil, Pieter and Ferna were best friends. They were best friends even before high school. They’d eat together and walk together everywhere and it was like an extra privilege that they are working in the same office. In addition, they are living in the same house, especially since they are threatened by the brutes.

'Why are you out of breath?' Ferna asked Pieter.

He was getting back his normal breathes, though.

'She ran off,' Pieter said regretfully.

'What? What if a brute catches her? Where has she gone?'

'Maybe she went to her home. She received a call before leaving.'

'That's even more dangerous. Her family are not seraphs now.'

'They always were not. We just didn’t know that. But they are still the same. Let's go to her home and check over her.'

'Uh… that's not a very good idea.'

But her friends had guessed it right. It had not happened for the first time. Her neighbor called Sybil once again to tell her that her family was fighting. She banged the door angrily. They all stopped fighting and turned to her.

'Why did you stop?' she asked furiously. 'Go on! Don't stop, go on! Keep on fighting!'

She felt crying. For almost an hour, she had been running for them, to go and see them fighting.

'Sybil, chill,' said Yolette, the sister. 'Besides, you are responsible for this. This time we were not fighting against each other. We were fighting because of you.'

'What do you mean?'

'Choose a side today,' said Niven, the father.

'Father, what is the use? We have always been the seraphs. Finding a different identity now is senseless and pointless.'

The argument went longer. The family was angry to hear that their youngest member in the family found them senseless and pointless. Both, their feelings and egos were hurt.


Hennie, the mother never wanted to hurt any of her kids. Besides, she is a semi-seraph, not a semi-brute.

'That does not give you the right to attack your little sister!' shouts Hennie.

'And what was that, you going to attack Julien?' Yolette speaks for her brother.

'That's exactly what I have been trying to tell you,' Sybil explains, 'We are better off just as seraphs. Stop seeking for unnecessary identities that will only bring rifts in our family. We were happy before.'

'You cannot run away from your true self,' Niven says.
@AwaMpr #magic #powers #angel

© Awatif M. (Petty Ruche)