

The Butcher
Now let me tell you the story of the butcher shop. I don't know where to start, so let's start like all the tales...
Once upon a time there was a butcher shop. The owner of this butcher shop was know as the friendly giant. He had a lovely wife and two lively children. The owners name is forgotten. For now everybody knows him as the butcher. They all fear him, they all think they hear him butchering meat. The reason to why they fear him, that we will come to later. First I will tell you how it all started. It was a lovely morning. All the birds were singing, the children were playing and the wives were cooking. That was no exception for the butchers family. His wife has just cooked him a delicious meal. But then they hear a knock. They opened the door to see who's there, and there they see stand is a man in grey suit. The man all tidied up and his hair all combed to the back, he asks: "Where oh where is my money at?" The butcher tryed to explain that he still needs some time, but the man had enough. He just scoughed: "I'll come back tomorrow, if it is not there by then, then the shop will be mine again!". The butcher just let out a big sigh. "Why it is impossible to get such an amount in such a short time." His wife tries his best to make him smile. But does not succeed. And so she decided to sit down with and talk. "Let's find out how we can save your shop." They talked and talked. Yes they even talked through the night. Then at the next morning, when the birds sang their tune, the children were running around and the wives cooking for their families, they looked at each other and knew what to do. The wife at first hesitant, but how else can the shop be saved? That is the only income for the family, the only hope to survive in this world. So just like any normal day, the butcher opened his shop and offered the best meat he had. Many people came over to buy from the butcher shop. After a long day he closed his shop. All satisfied he came home and went to sleep. The next morning arrived and the butcher shop opened again. The customers from yesterday came in. They asked: "Oh butcher, what delightful meal I had thanks to your delicious meat." He just smiled for quite a while. He thanked for the compliment and went on with his day.
The end.

Right I forgot to tell you why they were so frightened by the butcher. Oh what a dreadful story. For a few days later when a wife cooked a meal. A ring is what she found in her food. Wondering how it got there she asked the butcher, from the butcher shop. Ofcourse it was not his, for he has no money to buy his wife a ring. Wondering whose it is, she handed it over to the police. As she showed it to them... you should have seen them. Their eyes so wide, their mouths popped open. They ask her where she found it. She only answered: "I found it in my meat, that I bought from the butcher." They told her to go back home and kept the ring. Later on TV she saw how they arrested the butcher. Wondering why, she turns up the volume. Though all they said was that the evidence pointed out ,that the butcher is the murder of the man in the grey suit. She was completely shocked. "The butcher the killer? There is no way!" Then several days later when they had hard proof against the butcher they announced his death date. For it is many lives he took. Not just the man in grey suit. The bodies though they never found. For they have already been sold and eaten. For it was not cows and pigs he sold like any normal butcher shop, but humans. The only reason how they found out his guilt, was that he would keep small trophies of his victims. Like from the man in the grey suit he kept the ring. Just stupid him he dropped it in the meat. If it would have never dropped, they'd probably never find out.

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