

Systems: Odessa Civilization Intro
On a planet far away, refugees from a doom Solar System filled with various different people and species landed and formed their own civilizations. one of these communities is the country of Odessa.

The design of Odessa is based around ttwo philosophies: historical materialism and command economy finances. When the people of Odessa first landed on the planet, their nation was originally named Nikara and it was a country formed by some of the richest refugees among them. Those with a lot of capital essentially had all the power while those below them on the social totem pole had virtually nothing. In addition to this extreme inequality, religious leaders began to give preferential treatment to the upper class while paying very little attention to the lower class... unless it was to tell said lower class to give what little they had to the temple, to the house of worship, to the the gods!

Sooner or later, the poor would have enough and design to take what they deserved. Sure enough, a group of angry workers and their compatriots decided to take up arms and overthrow the then current rulers in a bloody and lengthy coup. When the dust had settled, a country ruled by a single political party on behalf of the average worker was formed and it was named after one of the bravest generals who gave their life so a new nation could be born: General Vladir Odessaria.

In this new country, things would no longer be owned by private businesses or individuals. Instead, everything would be owned by the state on behalf of the common man. A worker's council would decide how the resources of the country would be utilized and only those working in the state as a public official would have a say in how these items were used.

Education, housing, and advancements in technology including industrialization were now the norm instead of a luxury only afforded to those with deep pockets. We will learn more about the industrious Odessians in the days to come...
© Tyler W. McFadden