

How to cultivate positivity
Think positive' is a sentence which is easy to say but hard to do. When life is giving you lemons, you always can't make a lemonade which is understood.

'I wish I didn't do that', 'I wish I didn't meet him', 'I wish I didn't do this or do that', type of sentences come to our mind.

Question here is how to overcome what's wrong has been done? How to feel better when nothing could be done to make that right?

So lets start to feel positive by my following tips which I followed and found useful:

1. There is always something right that is happening. Let's understand this with an example. You are seeing all dark, no ray of hope, you feel shattered, you feel hurt but then you see your sleeping child who can't help herself eating food, who doesn't know how to deal with the world independently, that is your ray of hope, that is the positive you need in your life. Life could be a mess for many of us but to collect this mess you need to understand where the optimism in you lies.

2. Slow and steady wins the race. You all might have heard this many times. Don't force yourself to do everything on time. There might be the days when you don't feel like getting up and do regular routine work. Take a break and breathe. Don't overdo something that you forget who you are.

3. Good deed is the key. There is an old saying, when you do good, god gives you the best. When you do good to others, you feel good and that makes you happy in return. This is the important step to stay positive. So, next time when you see a puppy crying on road, feed it something, when you see someone going barefoot in this scorching heat, give him water. You will definitely feel better.

4. Let's make our environment positive. When there are negative thoughts, things around you start to change accordingly. If you are thinking negatively, you will pass this on to your family, your kids and even to your plants, yes, there is a story when a woman always cried near her plant and told her sufferings to it and after few days,plant died. Yes, this might not be a real story but whatever we sow, we have to reap. Make you home a positive place by using vibrant colours, plants, happy statues etc. You will definitely feel positive.

5. Fears, a big no. What if I go to interview and get rejected? What if I call him and he fights with me? What if I reach late? These kind of fears are hampering your positivity. These vague fears have to be removed. Trying has no limit. You should try to think positive. When the questions like these arise, you should see the other aspects too. What if I go to the interview and get selected? What if I call him and he mends it? It will make a huge difference.

5. Accept yourself. You are what you are. Your thoughts and feelings have nothing to do with others. You need to understand that your life needs your control,not others. What others think is their problem,  you are responsible for you only.

6. Thin line of difference between reality and fiction should be understood. When you keep on looking at everything negatively, you start believing it. Suppose you watch a movie where the husband is cheating on his wife and you start thinking about your husband. What if he does the same? No, he won't. Seperate reality and fictions.

7. Get up, get ready. Yes this is important. After waking up, take a bath, dress up, make up and get ready to kick start your day. It will not only boost your confidence but also you positivity.

8.Meditation. Meditation has been proven useful to calm you mind and inculcate positivity. Yoga, exercise, and a proper healthy diet will also do wonders.

9. Ignorance is a bliss. Everytime I say, you need to ignore a lot of negativity to be positive. What others did in their lives is their achievement, now it's your turn.

We can always easily give up but it takes a lot of guts and energy to carry on with our lives. I understand, it is not easy but we can try always. If we start from today, we can be a better human being tomorrow.

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