

It was a friend's birthday.. I knew a few people there, still it was a pretty dull party until I saw her.. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen.. I am not very handsome or well built, just an average looking guy.. Yet for some reason she too kept stealing looks.. The DJ started blasting bollywood dance songs.. I LOVE to dance.. Don't know how to, but I love it.. I guess I wasn't the only one with this exact same condition.. We both danced with our own respective groups.. After a few songs, DJ started playing slow romantic songs.. All the couples got together, while the rest of us tried to ease the awkwardness.. Half way across the dance floor I made eye contact with her, and we both blushed away.. To this day I don't know how, but I gathered some courage and went up to her.. I put forward my hand and said, "Would you like to dance with me, miss?".. "I was waiting for you to ask", she said with a blush.. We slow danced a bit, until the music became fast paced again.. It was as if we both had forgotten that we had come in groups and just danced our hearts out, together.. We spent the rest of the evening talking and getting to know each other.. We never exchanged names or phone numbers.. Of course we could find each other through common friends on various social media platforms, but we promised not to.. It was just that one mysteriously magical encounter we shared, that remains like a pure hearted beautiful memory in both of us..