

Warriors Journey•Rise of the Demon part 8
chapter 8- Queens Blood

Ben's hut door creaks open as one by one they tiptoe out. Můn stood by the door in the dark of night.

" Headed somewhere?" She asked rhetorically.

" How did you know we were sneaking out?" Ben asked with the others behind him.

" Doesn't matter. I just wanted to say goodbye".

" Wait, you aren't stopping us?" Arashi asked from the back.

" Of course not. I understand the sense of adventure".

" Oh. Well, I guess this means goodbye". Ben scratched the back of his neck slow and deep.

" Not forever". She replied.

As they started walking away Ben turned back to say," Můn. Remember that first day we meet on the dock and you used that spell on me? Do you think you could teach me that one day?"

" What spell?"

Ben realizing what didn't happen that day and softly says," Oh. Nevermind then". It wasn't a spell. What was it then? It doesn't matter. He had bigger things on his plate right now.

They stepped into the dark forest. This began the next chapter of each of their lives. An adventure, a journey to get stronger and even a path to clear his name. Each had their own goal at hand and yet, they were together.

" Ben, do you think I got any stronger since your first mission?" Kenshi said looking down at the dirt path they followed. Ben was surprised. Kenshi was asking him for advice. His ego never lets him do this.

" Of course you have. You're the best swordsman in the Demon Gaurd. Don't let anyone tell you different ". Ben spoke humbly and truthfully. Kenshi was the Son of the King. A prince of Swords perhaps. He went unrivaled and Ben knew it.

"It's just that, Leaf Red seemed to be getting the upper hand on me when we spared". Kenshi said with a little disappointment in his voice.

" Its only cause he had an axe. If he had a sword, boom. You would have smoked him". Ben said encouragingly.

They walked for just about ten more minutes before the sun's glow peaked over the horizon. It was a soft green light instead of the normal gold and orange. Sometimes in the morning, the sky would radiate pink and blue.

They stood on a peak that oversaw a whole valley of wheat. Ben sat while his feet dangled over the cliffside. Big Blue sat next to Ben, for a second before he lied with one paw over the other. He was like a big dog. Ben ran his hand across his spiky spine. Big Blue purred wild and intimidatingly.

This was the calm before the storm and each and every one of them could sense it. Their lives would never be the same after this journey ended. But a small piece of Ben wanted the change. It wanted the journey to never end. Another part of him wanted to be comfortable. It wanted everything to end. He understood that this would be his life from now on. Adventures. Even though he wanted knowledge and peace. Then he wanted to serve the creatures that refused to show themselves. But to do that he didn't understand magic and to understand the magic he needed to go on an adventure.

" You feel that?" Kenshi said with a tight grip on the handle of his katana.

" Feel the…warmth of the sun?" Arashi said confusingly.

" You don't feel how cold it just got? Like your soul dropped into your stomach?" Kenshi said starring down into the valley.

" No, but now I'm scared", Ben said standing up and holding his sword.

Stillness flew upon the trio. Only the chirping of birds remained. Not even the slightest breeze interrupted.

" Hmm, must've been something else". Kenshi said pushing away his senses.

They stood on the cliff for another ten minutes before they made their way down into the valley.

" Do we know where we're going, Ben?" Arashi said awkwardly walking down a slope and hopping over bushes.

" Well, Queen Lammè said there were two other Choas Claws. So I'd assume I'd need all three". Ben said trudging threw the brush.

" Should we let Big Blue led us since he found the first one?" Arashi asked.

" Sure, that seems smart". Ben stopped and let Big Blue lead the trio. He sniffed the brush as they walked down into the valley. He swang his tail side to side with each step he took.

The group neared the center of the valley before Big Blue stopped. He sat then lied down and fell asleep. So did stubbur and Kenshi's dragon.

" Well, that was useless". Kenshi sat on his dragons back. " They just wanted to find a flat dirt spot to take a nap in".

" What now Ben?" Kenshi asked from the ground.

" I know we need to find the next Claw, but I don't know how to find it". He sat dramatically on a rock next to where Big Blue slept.

Silence set on the trio as the sun transitioned from green to a light orange. Doubt and disappointment littered their minds.

" We need guidance ", Ben said resting his head on his palm.

" No. We need confidence ". Kenshi said comfortably relaxing on his dragon." Ain't that right Taiyo no Tsuna?". He slaps the yellow beasts tummy.

" Taiyo no Tsuna?" Arashi asked.

" Horns of the red sun". Kenshi answered.

" I love that name", Ben said casually.

Kenshi jumped up with his sword in his hand." There it is, again. That sound!"

The forest was silent except for their doubt.

Out from the forest stepped two black scaled dragons. Ben and Arashi jumped up and readied their weapons.

" What are they?!" Arashi yelled as his axe shook in his hands.

The black scaled dragons were twice the size of their spirit dragons. The eyeless creatures hung their heads low and heavy. Their bodies riddled with muscles and spikes.

" There Drago's. Anti dragons. Embodiments of evil and hatred". Kenshi said as he pointed his katana at them.

One jumped at Kenshi. Aiming for the head, Kenshi showed off his swordsman's skills. He slashed his blade and cut the thick hide of the Drago. Black blood splattered out from its neck as it landed on its side. A cloud of dust formed around the beast as it stood up. Blood still dripped from its neck as it attacked again. The second one attacked in sync with the first one. Kenshi couldn't defend against two Drago's. He couldn't defend against the first one but he couldn't get a slash at the second one.

The first Drago tackled Kenshi onto the ground. Slobber dripped onto Kenshi's face as he held back the demonic Dragon with his katana. The katana didn't even faze the Drago. He pushed the sharp side into it's thick neck. The same katana that each ruler held I'm their hands and fought with for 100,000 years.

Ben jumped up and slashed the Drago that was atop Kenshi. A second passed before the head of the Drago flew off and its body fell over. Both of their faces were full of shock. Kenshi jumped up, still with slobber and blood, smeared across his face. With a rush of adrenaline in their bloodstream, Kenshi and Ben jumped at the last Drago. With a stroke of each blade, the Drago exploded.

Each of them was covered in a black liquid that would be its blood. Kenshi wiped the blood off his sword and resheathed it. Ben wobbled back to the rock, shaking. He dropped his katana and just sat. Contemplating.

Arashi dropped his axe. Not a single drop of blood on him." H-H-How did you. How did you kill them?"

" It was Ben. I couldn't even cut them. Even with Jikan". Kenshi stared at the white and gold katana. He looked over at Ben." How did you kill it with that thing? How come I didn't kill even one with this sword?"

Kenshi wasn't worried for Ben, but rather his ability to stand on his own. To defend himself and everyone around. To be stronger than his peers.

Ben looked up. His face blank." It was…you or t-them". His voice slow and soft." I couldn't sacrifice your life…and goals, for two demons. E-even though I wanted too".

Kenshi sat down next to Ben as a single tear fell down his cheek." Your love for creatures will never stop amazing me". Arashi joined the circle that they made in the dirt.

"Apon death of a creature, pray for it and its family. Burn its body for the respect of its body and barry its bones for safety. Chapter 4, King Polo". Kenshi recited a page from the Laws of Nature.

Ben looked up." I haven't even opened the cover of that book. It was supposed to be my bible and I haven't even tried to read it". Sadness filled with eyes.

" It doesn't matter what you did or didn't do. It's what you do next that really counts". Kenshi stood up and held out a hand to Ben. He gripped it and stood up.

" Let's get these guys, or girls, to the afterlife". Ben said optimistically as he wiped the tears that never fell.

" Drago's don't have genders". Arashi finally spoke up. He had been in total shock for the last five minutes.

Ben smirked, " Welcome to the party ".

The sun was high in the sky as they finished digging the hole that would eventually guard the Drago's bones.

" Do either of you know how to pray for a dead animal?" Kenshi said pointing to Ben and Arashi. They shook their heads. Kenshi bent over placing the chunks of flesh into three piles. The three piles of meat formed a triangle around the hole.

They each waited for the other to speak on behalf of the Dragos.

" I hope… in another life that we meet once more. But on peaceful terms". Ben struggled to get the words out. He hadn't killed one of his own. They were evil and disgusting creatures, and he still mourned for them.

" I glad you two were finished off quickly..but next time I'll be the one to kill you". Kenshi insulted the spirits. He didn't want to be so devilish, but he couldn't show his softer side. If there was one.

" I don't know if you had the same morals as us humans, but I'm glad the final chapter of your book has arrived". Arashi said seemingly becoming a philosopher instantly.

Arashi took a rock from the forest and some twine from the camp. He struck his axe on the rock a few times before a flame appeared on the twine. He placed it on each pile of flesh. It caught on fire quickly and within minutes the flesh had disappeared and only bones were left. Only silence was left as Ben, Kenshi and Arashi pushed a pile of bones into the pit.

Kenshi pushed the dirt over the bones and placed a massive boulder over where the hole was. He slapped the boulder as he watched the sunset." Their souls should be in the afterlife now". Kenshi has spoken broadly but he really was speaking to Ben. He was the most upset about the events that took place here, in this valley. He had a strong connection to the creatures of this planet even though he never met most of them. That's what was unique about him. His passion for others.

The trio looked at the horizon of pinks, oranges, and reds. It was truly fantastic how they got to see the sunrise and fall. Every single day. It never got old.

Emotions ran through the trio. Love, passion, and respect for not only the dragos but themselves as well. They were proud of how far they have come in the last couple of weeks and even months. Their connection was like nothing else on this planet.

Big Blue had yawned himself awake. As he stretched Ben noticed a pink light under the belly of his spirit dragon. He jogged over to Big Blue and grabbed at it. It was stuck so he dug around the soft dirt. Eventually, he was able to pull it out. The pink stone he pulled up from the ground was a Chaos Claw. Ben assumed it was Queens Blood, passion, love and respect.

He smiled and rubbed Bug Blues fur." I knew I couldn't doubt you, boy!" He said joyfully. " Hey! The second Chaos Claw was under Big Blue the whole time!" He ran to his friends as he watched the sun fall beneath the plant's horizon.