

Romantic age
romanticism age is called romantic age which was started in 1798_ 1836 when William Wordsworth and Samuel taylor colesbridge had done collaboration with lycrical ballads in literature.why this is called romantic age romantic age does not mean the romance between boy and girl but it mean a nature before romantic age there was a age of enlightment and during romantic age George 3 was a king of england and there are three reason for starting romantic age first reason is industrial revolution second reason was that french revolution and third reason was that America got independence. industrial revolution mean where people move from villages to cities and suffered from many illness and diseases.main theame of the romantic age is people were moving far from village and cities population was increasing then many poets had wrote their poetary about nature.there are many poets who wrote their poetary on the basic of nature .there was one poets whose name was William balke was a one renowned poet who wrote two song first song of experience in 1789 and song of innocence in 1792. these are call guryard poets the main focus of the poets is to move people away from cities and near to village.there were two generation poets first And second in first there was Samuel taylor colesbridge and William Wordsworth and second generation poet was jane austan William balke