

Life Under the Gold
The smile on my face is real,
It bears witness to how I feel...
Things I can not change haunts me here
You'll see how scared I am by my tears
places I go have no fear
it's only my mind that plays on it's on time
You'll see the love in my eyes
but you don't know the hurt that's inside
They say time heals but does it heal what lessons cannot
Death becomes a part of a celebration
What's the point of celebrating
When the ones you loved have gone?
It's only the beginning of another year,
Another year of struggling alone.
Nothing new will happen.
Nothing old will ever change.
The past has left its scars.
Now only old memories remain
Shh...listen, don't you hear?
I'm crying, but they are silent tears.
I'm crying on the inside so you can't see
all the pain running though me .
I cry for you, I cry for me.
I cry for the times I can't,
so if you listen, you may hear my silent tears
Drenched and cold is my biggest fear
Not by the rain but by my own tears
When will this storm come to an end?
Embrace my tears because you my only friend
life under the gold
Lexus Bowen
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