

The Blue Light (Last part)
There was no one on the road and no light. I walked along the deserted road by the light of my torch. I reached my house, opened the door and went in. I had no reason to think that anything exceptional had happened downstairs. But I must tell you one thing. My mind was full of strange sadness for no reason whatsoever. I wanted to weep!

I went upstairs, still feeling the deep sadness. And then....I saw something unusual. I'll narrate it as my subconscious has recorded it. When I had locked the house and gone for kerosene, the lamp had gone out completely because there was no oil in it. The room had been dark. And then it had rained for quite a while. It was more than three hours since I had left the house. But now, I could see a light inside the room. I could see it through the chinks in the bedroom door.

As usual, I took out my keys. Then focussed the beam from my torch on the padlock. The lock gleamed like silver....should I say the lock smiled in the light?

I opened the door and went in- I just stood there, stunned. I felt a kind of warmth go through me and I started to perspire.

The entire room was illuminated with a Blue Light. The light came from the lamp-from two inches of blue flame! I stood there amazement.

Who had lit the lamp that had no kerosene?
Where had the Blue light come from?