

Roller Ride
A dark, dreary, windy Winter’s evening soon arose in London, with packed Tube trains continuously flowing like a soft, Summer’s sea on an Autumn’s afternoon. Creeping through her dampened windows stood Michelle, a beautiful, blue-eyed woman, with a radiant smile, and soft, blonde hair. Her electric blue eyes crashed into the darkened world, as a wave interconnects itself to the sea. A wide smile glittered her face, as melodically, the clock moved.

“It’s time to go”, Michelle spoke, gleefully to herself, clapping her hands symphonically as she gathered her bag and keys. “But how should I get there?” She asked herself, contemplating the possibilities, before deciding to walk to the Tube station, and from there, ride the train, prolonging a sense of anonymity in an already distanced city.

The streets weren’t lit, possessing an eternal, unnerving shadow, in a down pour of complexity, but this was yet to unnerve Michelle, who’s friendly demeanour shined, and warm smile fixated firmly on her face. As she was about ten minutes away from the Tube station, however, an almost muted sound could be heard from the side. Freezing firmly, Michelle whipped her head to the side, but saw nothing.

Satisfied it was nothing more than paranoia, Michelle merrily continued on her walk. Not a singular minute later, however, the undeceivable bellow of a man’s roar could be heard from behind.

“Oi! Bitch!”, he cursed, venom pouring sharply as he spoke.

Michelle began to realise she was no longer alone, as from either side sprung out two men, and two women, all intent on causing her significant trouble.

“Oi! He’s talking to you”, one of the girls snapped, as she shoved Michelle aggressively to the floor.

“Look at her, pathetic!”, the same girl laughed, as the group surrounded Michelle, who was curled up on the floor, helplessly shaking.

“Please don’t hurt me!”, Michelle cried, desperation saturating her voice.

“Little runt!”, one of the girls spat as the group walked away with her purse, leaving Michelle crying softly to herself on the floor.

Deciding to cancel her plans for the evening, Michelle picked herself up off the floor, and walked the short distance to the sanctuary of home. Greeted by the warmth, she proceeded to sit on her couch, and relax, trying to forget about the evening’s event.

The following evening Michelle laid scared in her living room, knowing she had to ride the Tube train. Sweat poured from her forehead, as her once glistening eyes dimmed. But deciding to show courage, Michelle began the strenuous, worrying walk to the station, and was greeted with self satisfaction upon the completion of this. Sitting down in an empty seat, suddenly a wave of relaxation overcame her, and a small smile spread across her youthful complexion.

Forgetting about the previous night’s events, just barely, Michelle’s illusions of quiet’s gratifications were shattered, by what could only be described as an “ear seething shriek”, as the same group entered the carriage. A detoxicating aroma soon shifted through the train, as bottles of liquor were evident, in their hands.

Heavy metal music blasted at exponential volume, while the groups own usage of cursing overshadowed that of the music.

Michelle’s eyes closed slowly in fearful anticipation, silently praying they wouldn’t notice her. Much to her dismay, however, they did.

“Oi! Guys, look it’s her again!” The indescribable bellowing began with a singular phrase. Then, much like a wolf’s pack, they all joined in.
“You’re an ugly, old slag”.
“You’re a weak, little runt”.
“Worthless, pointless, washed up, old rat”.

The insults just kept coming, from all different angles. Tears began to leak from Michelle’s eyes, as she listened. She didn’t know these people, yet, here she is caught up in a tidal wave of abuse. What’s worse, however, is that no support was given to her. A blind eye was turned at every angle.

For the first time, Michelle felt truly alone.

Michelle’s body and hands began to violently shake, as the insults continued. Her eyes pleading for someone to help her.

“You are a pathetic, little wannabe! A coward!” This insult was the rawest of all, and the final straw. Clenching her shaking fists together, Michelle rose from her seat, overtaken by a sensational adrenaline.

Her lips trembled as she spoke: “I don’t know who any of you are, but I don’t deserve the way you have treated me, nobody does”. Her voice began to rise, as she continued, “nobody deserves to feel persecuted simply for existing, nobody deserves to be bullied simply because they were outnumbered, nobody deserves to be terrorised”.

Michelle’s words stunned them into silence, as they recoiled aggressively. “Yeah, whatever”, one of them muttered as they walked away.

“You only say that ‘cause you can’t formulate an educated argument”, shouted Michelle behind them, feeling a sense of triumph, as she happily brushed away the remaining tears from her face.
“This is my stop”, Michelle said to herself, leaving the now silent carriage. “I don’t reckon I’ll be seeing them anytime soon”.