

Creepy Vibes (story no.1-Twinkling lights)
I liked to stare at that dense tree which stood at a little distance in front of my house. I used to go on the terrace in evening usually just to set my eyes upon that tree because there was something mysterious yet attractive about that tree. Several times i kept looking at it from my terrace and i could observe some twinkling lights for a moment. Somewhat bluish and yellowish. There was no source of those lights so i always used to wonder from where those lights are actually coming.
One evening like everyday , when the sky got dark i again made my way up to my terrace and that day i was hellbent on knowing what that really is! I started staring again at that tree almost thirty minutes passed and all i could figure out were just those twinkling lights at a distance. I got even more curious and kept staring for an hour almost, suddenly my eyes caught sight of something which my heart knew was not normal. I caught a glimpse of some changing aura below the tree. My heart started racing , I was dumbstruck and then.......my eyes went on something just next to the tree. There was a figure in yellow ,not well formed, not well shaped and not clear too. it was like a moving yellow light but taking a shape of some entity. God knows what it was but i could not bear to look at it anymore and i just ran down..
Since that day , i never stared at that tree for so long and never saw that yellow thing again but still if i stare a bit more , i can make out those Twinkling Lights.