

Dear Emotions
Here and there sometimes you feel happy and excited but later after a while it's back to the basics. At times you find love which could be everlasting but because of a slight misunderstanding it's goodbye but I hate goodbyes. But it's simple to move on because you think it's the solution but deep down you know it hurts to leave but focus on something smooth don't force any type of relationship. Just remember in end if you let something go if it comes back it was meant to be but if it never returns it was not the right choice. Till when do we want to remain with this pick & choose mentality it won't lead to success but stay strong don't loose hope one day people will question you hustle approval. Never underestimate someone's feelings based on your current situation do you for your don't mind what other people think and talk about you. Focus on the basics though there comes those dark and lonely days don't quite the sun will rise and we shall try again. Hustling was always a man's ambition but now because the economy is disrespectful we can't sleep knowing tomorrow you wake up with the same empty pockets but just know your vision and always be on a mission don't catch emotions because what makes money makes sense.
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