

1 Attempted assassination
Chapter 1 attempted assassination.

I ascend the cliff, loose rocks falling into the stagnant water beneath me at each new handhold. Sweat covers my body and drips into my eyes, and the overhead sun seems hotter by the minute. At the top, i find an outcropping leading to an eerie cave. I pause to catch my breath, and my nerves. I peer over at my impish boggart.

I smile reassuringly . I listen carefully for signs of movement, but the cave appears devoid of life. The only sound is water falling from its jagged stalactites. Retrieving a candle, lighters,from my bag, I strike the lighter and ignite the candle.

I hold it above my head to illuminate the scene before me, adjusting the daggers on ends of my rifles,and stride forward confidently into the dangers that lie within. As i enter the dank cave, a knife flew towards my face!

Frantically diving backward, I narrowly dodge the knife, but trip over a block of stone.The candle flies from my hand as i tumble backward in the darkness. I fall from the outcropping, and Judas leaps lithely from my shoulder with a flare of his wings. I was left to dive into the water below with a massive splash. My momentum carries me to the bottom, where loose mud obscures my vision. I kick off from the base of the pond and reach the surface, gasping for air.

Wiping the disgusting residue from my eyes, instinct causes me to dive to the side. I just barely evade a bullet as it pierces the water beside me with a splash. Several more bullet rain down upon me from the cliff above. It takes all the focus and strength I have to dodge their glistening deadly tips.

I finally make it to the bank of the pond, the cold water pulling at my garments as i stagger onto land. My treacherous opponent, meanwhile, is leaping from the cliff with a throaty roar. I dives just in time to confront the flashing dagger towards my head. A deadly mercenary attack me.

I barely manage to raise my long blade defensively across my chest when his blade strikes my weapon, sending splinters flying. The momentum of the assailant's descent knocks me down, leaving me breathless and pinned beneath him. He cackles, raising his large blade for the final blow.

The strong odor of perspiration mixed with alcohol roll over me, making me to vomit and gag. Quickly arching my back, i trap his elbow with my arms and use my legs to flip myself onto my stomach. My speed takes him by surprise, and i twist away, staggering to my feet.

The Mercenary leaps up, drawing a rusty dagger from his belt. I was faster than the mercenary ,I finished him with a deadly blow, seperating his body and his head .
Looking to the sky, i see another mercenary descending swiftly, ready to blind-side the villain. As my opponent charges forward with a scream of fury, I'm glad I already decided how to handle the criminal.

The usual practice is to leave him alive, taking him with you to deliver him for a bounty. Conversely, i could walk an unconventional line and trade him as an indentured servant to a rival mercenary association, which would yield the most gilded pieces, but may entail hardship for the farmer. Finally, i could cripple him to make sure he won't cause anyone any trouble in the future.
I decided to incarcerate the attackers and deliver him to an outpost. Whatever his crimes, he deserves a proper trial.

I take a deep breath, eyeing the bad guy as he circles me warily.

I engage him in close ranged combat with my blade ,but he pushed me hard , pushing me away to a safe distance from him, so using my rifles in an aerial attack,I shot him.

I shot the bullet from my rifles and send it through the air. It embeds itself into his leg. Screaming in pain, my opponent crashes to the ground before me, clutching at his leg. As he attempts to climb to his feet, I swing my blade and into his throat and he drops instantly. Strength returns to my shoulder, grinning evil at my own victory.

I nudge the mercenary with my heel, rolling his body over to face upward. With a start, i realize that "he" is actually a female, judging by the long hair and paler complexion. In retrospect, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Mercenary of either gender are known to be bloodthirsty at heart and equally attracted to chaos. Pulling the handcuffs from my bag, I prop the female mercenary against a tree and shackle her hands. After she is secure,i sit down in order to regain my breath. Though this may seem a peculiar start to the day, it's fairly normal in my line of work. After all, I'm a freelancer hunter who killed a rogue mercenary or sometime demons or demi gods, whatever I can kill to make money to support my life.

A demon hunter collects bounties on evil beings.
A freelancer kills anything to gain a profit. Contrary to popular speculation, I myself lack magical abilities. Instead, I use my cleverness, level headedness, charm, subtlety, and physical prowess along with various weapons to defeat my enemies and my skills in sniping,and otherwise accomplish my endeavors.

My stuff and my weapons are in large numbers,which I carry it all in my bag.
My arsenal, concealed by a dark cloak, is extensive. Tied to my belt is a bag of salt which distracts vampires. They are compelled to count each grain, and less powerful individuals are temporarily mesmerized. In deep pockets resting on each thigh, sealed by a draw string, i have a pound of shaved iron. It burns the flesh of agents of the dark, such as vampires, witches and warlocks, and sorcerers. Attached to my belt are a dozen blue candles infused with incense, which calm my nerves, aid my vision and distress weaker monsters or human.

The necklace i wear carries a master key, specially crafted to unlock any non-magical portal. The magical rune on my second necklace allows me to teleport to, a high-security prison, and bring up to five others along. To use the rune, I must separate its two sections and leave one in my current location for the return journey. Twenty minutes of painstaking scratching in the dirt is usually enough to finish the hieroglyphs around the rune. Then, turning the stone three times in my left hand, I will find myself at the prison gates.

The hieroglyphs take time and concentration, but the spell allows me to quickly deliver the most dangerous criminals (i.e. Vermin and higher) directly to the prison. Afterwards, turning the rune three times in my right hand will then return me to my previous location. In an inner pocket of my jacket, securely fastened, is the most important tool of my trade. The book is a dictionary of demons similar to human Wikipedia, containing a constantly updated list of every demon known to humans illustrations of their primary forms, and a diagram including abilities and ranks.

Using a demon's name, im able to exert some level of control and banish a weakened demon back to the underworld. The book is written in God language which I happen to learn after I stole the runes of language. Learning these languages, among many others, was covered in my extensive training as a hunter. At my side, strapped across my chest, hangs a small bag. Inside its compartments are portions of dried fruit and bread, a pouch of water and a case of healing ointment,magical bandage,health potion. Though not quite fast acting, the ointment can almost double my natural healing rate.

The silver chain looped around my wrist is useful for binding witches and warlocks. It paralyzes them on contact. My second final and most prized weapon is my blade,i carved a deadly spell runes on it . The handle made from the wood of an ancient tree, and it is sturdy and well-balanced. I also imbued it with chemicals of my own creation. Exposure will contort muscles on contact, though I have built up my own immunity to the potion over many months. A small button hides among the elaborate carving of my blade handle, the blade is made from pure titanium fused with the cursed of God of war, and my most important one is my trusted rifles, originally it's Awm,but I modified it for my convenience, the bullet is made from blessed metal , dipped in the holy water,and the bullet can penetrate any thing kills everything, ranging from demi gods to human. And my scope is 15 times's which can be adjusted to 8 times ,4 times,and 2 times scope, depending upon the situation, fitted with laser,and night vision and thermal vision.

My battle with the dark is perpetual and taxing but well worth it.

I was allowed to take the treasures of criminals i capture, after all I fight because of my hatred for beings that associate themselves with the darkness. I truly want to make the world a better place and protect the innocent.

I have a merciless personal vendetta against every evil being that plagues this world. Helping others and collecting money are additional bonuses, but smiting evil is my primary objective.

Regardless of my goal, violence is often necessary when facing deadly enemies like this mqd mercenary. Therefore, it is always best to be familiar with my equipment. Each of my weapons has a distinct advantage and a downside. My blade often deals the most damage, but it also leaves me open to counterattack.

My gun is swift and has great range, but it's best used against witches and warlocks. Iron burns away the flesh of evil beings, but it is a slow process and sometimes the filings scatter in a wind and reloading of the bullet. Salt mesmerizes vampires, but may only be used once in every encounter. My candles counter minor curses but are almost always useless in the heat of battle. I also did carry the badge of a licence hunter, giving me the same privileges as a town guard or a military officer like that of a captain, people called me captain GAARA.

At the bottom of my small bag, are other less mentionable tools. In addition, my perception and strength are beyond that of typical humans, due to my extensive training in combat and magical stuff and also, I'm a good thief so I managed to get hold of many cursed items, and my IQ is equal to that of the gods and I even flirted with the goddess of rain. I was banned from entering the heavens and hell after I die , I was to live in between heaven and hell as a guide , if I happen to die, but I was always lucky and I'm good at avoiding death.
© bamriguipamei