

to the deceivers of man
Im pretty shure her name is phallus de maximus asinus. So to her say I this.
Its ok princess fluffy fluff. All brawns and no brains makes lame go the faun.
But i bet you would make a great; Sancho. since fucked over many a man have you as not the rose but the thorn. But before i say this last thing, last as go it before the next; Say i then first, as in say i this "Im the best, because im better than the rest" fallen have all to my steel my pen or my iron will. Since you look like you could suck start a leaf blower, for just the thrill. That and Then; Could it also be said in this. No dought have you expanded your brawn, Yet only have you Managed to express your con. And in Man, or say should I as man, Whom no Dought can hear your Ego when you take a piss.
Yet curious Am I, As In Bewildered; for with in you, And say I with; Ar-e as Something is a miss.
"Ahhhh now i see", Percieved from Thine before you; So call you must We in our Divinity; Defined as your lack of duality, in the Expantion of your Mentality.
" Yes: 'Thats' what has been found wanting." So: 'Take a good look' Because with in me We are Many and a legion with in that very thing by many called 'Undivided unity; in R we' As so then Called X3³ and four times great. And next to that, Know this that Wonderful Aroma you Perceive as its Errecting your Tiptuis Sexuality is not my Akilles heal; but you lack in fidelity, but you can just call me insurmountability (Because I Am The Mother Fucking Man) And So is Born in Me gods right hand; for go it; Gated rage for the sister you betrayed. So then Husband or say I Wife called fallacy, Should I then say (you worthless bitch) you've definitely found your niche. But no dought it can be found in your
Cree as go it; """Go Fuck your Self"""" And in Thine Self be true; or at least..... "Fucking Freee."
Oh.......And...... Sweatheart: Yes indeed Am I; and So, I R the molded man. To you; say I, that would be me. THAT NO LONGER IS FUCKING YOU...... That your shurely going to miss.
Yes..... Now even better, Do i see you, Through not my Eyes N
That which Deceived Me, But My Mind see You, whom; You call i.... And your pants call We. But your pecker in is Knighted Nobility Say's....
Greater Am I, IN THE WIND Than from the one which i hang from so free. Delvic deity say you, haaaaah, just say it I in this; Obtusus Remissus, little miss priss.
So to both of you..... Is to whom now i speak.
for ever more shall you live in the word between nothing and neutrality, resolved as the botch and the priss. No your no match; no match at all, not for me. But i hear you have a sister you call brother. and word around here; known not to you, surely; in your simple minded normality. In what is said, so known to i, as in your sister, or is it your brother in its stead. That daddy liked to bed. But worry not, your weary half cleft soul of insurmountability; as tomarrow; glady will i share with you daddys wisdom, of you sister he calls daddys jilted zealously to hilt in me. Or was that you or him or them said you I? fuck Remember not can any as you both are fucked in the head. And im shure now known to many whome hold the coin; or perhaps just a rock in thine, and to her knees goes she. as i hear she's about as smart as a fart and passionate to the beasties whom she likes to bed. oh wait that's you, hard to tell these days just whom I'm talking to. And yet to think clapped out long ago by another python known as pass and stow, at a medium pace. Known as eunoukhos medius. Where you, or was it he was, or perhaps say you I are we.
matters not now as im shure the real damage done was. By that oden son whom no curiosity; could answer the damage done. those and them oh yeah thats right called you I whom is me and we who is you not in me, so am i is who? Or so am her for we are they and them, fuck it just say he is, I r X3³ who pulled atrain on her ass and left her to ran home to daddy, no dought as he who has eyes to see let him see; but remind me to ask that candy ass, thus and this; as in how did i tast for doughtless am i that daddy (apon her arival wanted a kiss) And what is the squarrel there cowering behind thee? Ohhhhhhh ok your nepson as no approximated wisdom does it take to harbor the exacerbating thought that you and your brother are his x3. Or is it a she? Hard to tell from this angle in hell; for burning now are my eyes; haven seen the cruelty devised by daddy the one you call brother, and he who thinks he's me. So having said that; now i then say i must; that last, that is this. Why dont we just skip the meladramatic bullshit and not go fist to cuff as i would no dought clean your clock but in stead lets see if you can use the squash up top for more than a punching bag for my mind as i have already beaten you with my steel that resides not in my fist. So the challenge and the terms i set. yet walk away would you? To avoid the embarrassment of trying to use something other than how you take a piss? So write me a poem and make it good will you; as this all; now in me, i have found in bordem. and your sister well good luck to you on that poem as balls deep in your past will be all you call we. Tell the AM; when then shall it come time to really impress me for the first satisfying time beyond your mothers mouth, known as misery, in high hope have do i, that half the tongue have you of she you call aunt mommy, when it is time for you to read to me, something as original as this. But untell then, be will I a plowing in daddy faasshole i affectionately call crisp. And so as I was your beginning so am I your end. Oh and princess good luck to you as this poem was not a poem but an exorcism read by you, in the eyes of the one you friend. Learn some latin and know for shure will you, and remember say I to you, I told you vengeance is for the man. And this is called the long game you meniacle bitch, as few thousand years have I waited to put your ass on the mend. Or should I say forever more will euros reside in daddy asshole called friend..