

Burning paradise#kashmir
What comes to your mind when you hear the word kashmir. A beautiful valley surrounded by charming mountains covered with snow. Where there is greenery everywhere. Well kashmir was exactly like this.
But today when we say kashmir it means encounters, rapes, tortures, suspensed internet, barred network system. Kashmir is no more green it has been painted red by Indian troops. The tyrants. Kashmir, a place where we wake up daily by loud gunshots. Where every morning starts with a mourning. Where our days start with encounters and end with funerals. Where every day a mother loses her son and a sister her brother. A place where people spend their whole life to build their homes but it is teared down to dust in just a few seconds. We are so much occupied that our social media accounts are being monitored and our phone gallaries are being checked daily by the tyrants. Have you ever seen such a brutal face of occupation???