

A moment in Hell.
Q:Who is your God?
A:I don't know who he is?
(Then you will go to hell,Banished,To burn for Eternity)

Hell was bad in start, I was alone in it, A lake of fire, Yes but slowly i got used to it. I went on for a quest to meet people in the Hell and then I loved to be in Hell.
First of all, Satan. The first to disobay God, The first Rebellion, The first bad boy. I met him, He was beautiful handsome guy with a fierce look in his eyes,there was determination and a glow of intelligence on his forehead. Man, he was impressive. I asked about myself, about other beings in Hell, If he is responsible to take them in?
Satan laughed, then he said, Look Mr. Ali, God created you, wrote a book in which he wrote about your happenings, even your account to be "in here". THEN he made a themetic story to banish me and after that you chose your way to be here. If you think you are here for Sex, Alcohal and not obeying the God. You are wrong.
You are only here because

(i put my pen aside)