

Last Man on the Earth Part - I
"I have no reason to live. I must die." Thinking that , Lee climbs the terrace.

He was in his college reading a magazine , with all luxurious items on a page . "When I will grow up , this will be the things I will use ." Thinking that he reads the magazine . "You are not worthy of wasting my money on your studies . I will not pay a single penny for your education." , shouts her mom as he asked her for paying his college fees.

He was trying to find a job to keep up with his living . He got rejected by five companies straight . Yesterday was his interview for another company but they were paying him a worthless amount of money . 

He had a girlfriend in college who got a job just after graduating from college . She supported him for straight five years but five months ago ,she comes in his room with all sad face , " It's over ." "What , You must be joking . It's not time to fool around . Tomorrow is my interview at your company ." ,says Lee . But without saying anything , she leaves the room . He rushed towards her but she gets in taxi and goes far away . He tried to call her but found out that he was blacklisted.

Ring , ring , Calls mom . "Hey son you know who is getting married , son of Mr. Sam ,Kelvin ."So what's my profit?" , asks Lee . " They called you for the bachelor party of his son ." ,tells his mom . " But why me . I haven't seen him in like 4 years ." ,shouts Lee . "But you should go son , he is your brother . Will you go there for me ?" "Ok , but just for you.". 
At the party . As Lee was sitting alone , Mr. Sam comes to him and sit besides him . "So what's happening in your life . " "Why the he** do you care ?" "Watch your mouth ." "What the fu** will you do?" " What did you just say , you H**y piece of s**t . " " I said don't f**king interrupt in my business ." Lee started to leave . "You piece of s**t , you would rot . And then you will come crying to me ", shouts Mr.Sam as he was held by a bunch of people to stop him from causing a commotion .

Someone bangs the door . "Hey Lee I know you are here . Give me my money . I paid your electricity for 5 months and you are not even paying me the rent . You know I have to make my living too . When will you pay ?" Lee sits besides the bed listening to the shout of his landlord . "I am gonna leave now but remember to pay the rent ." , says landlord .

"Will I rot ? Yes , 'cause I am gonna die .", thinking that Lee jumps from the building

"It's over . The frustration of living in the world with full of people thinking only about money . Now I can rest in piece ." ,thinks Lee while falling from the building. "Maybe this is it" 

"Mom , I wanna go to beach this summer vacation . All my friends are going . " , says Lee . 
"Sorry Lee , but I have some work to do at restaurant . It's usually busy at this time of year."  "You s*ck mom . I don't wanna stay with you ." 
As Lee sleeps his mom calls her restaurant manager and asks him for a day off .
The water waves , "You are the best mom." 

"Those were the days ." , thinks Lee . 
Lee falls

Siren wailing , "Make way for ambulance ." "Hey , someone jumped from the building ." "This is the XXX news and we give you live information about the person who fell ."
Crown started to gather . 

"You tried to commit suicide , by jumping of a 2 storey building . Are you mad .", A random voice says . "Who are you ? What are you doing here ? Why am I here ? Why am I not dead ? " "So many questions , huh . I am death dealer ." "Are you here to take my life ?" "What ! I don't do things like that . I am here to do a deal with you . You will continue to live for a 100 years . Do you want to ?"
"No ,I don't think so . I can't live here , in this world for a minute ." "What if all the men disappeared , would you ?" " Is this some kind of joke that I should believe ." " It's up to you , If you won't accept my offer , you will rot in prison as it is illegal to take your own life ." " What are you kidding me ." " Believe me or not , it's up to you . Will you accept my offer ." " Let's say I accepted your offer , It means you will disappear too ." "What do you think I am a human ? I am invincible . Will you accept the offer ?" "I will agree but what will be your profit ?" "I will receive the remaining life of all the man that will die . Now lets proceed the deal ."

" Whaaaaaa-" 

Lee wakes . "Was that all a dream . But how am I perfectly healed ."


"What the he*l was that , maybe I should go check out ." , Lee says while standing .
He gets to the window and see that every car was colliding with each other . There was fire everywhere . He gasped saying , "It was all real , he was the real dealer . But I didn't expected that if all humans will disappear , then there will man-made things left . " 
The fire continues to spread . Lee feels hot , so strips his t-shirt and goes outside of the room . In the lobby he see various plates , chemicals , antibodies, clothes , mobiles, laptop , keys and many other things lying on the floor . He picks a bag and fill it with as many things as he can and puts a mobile phone and key in his pocket . " I didn't think that there will be so much equipments lying on the floor , especially the meds , they will be so much useful in my survival . 

After this , he goes to the parking area and hopefully there was no fire there and vehicles were only either crashed into wall or were fallen on the ground . He takes a motorbike with key inserted in it and goes to exit . He sees that the fire was everywhere . " It was work time , maybe everyone was going to work." , says Lee while seeing time in his brand new watch . The street dogs were barking as many of there group died getting under the vehicles . Lee couldn't see that so he went to his home .

On the way to his home , he thought that if there is no person on earth I could choose whichever house I would like to live in . He roamed around the town to find a house he could stay in comfortably and on the way he saw a pretty luxurious house , but it was so big that Lee thought that it would cost a week to know everywhere of the house . So he skipped on that house . 

After that he saw a pretty mansion medium sized . So he thought that it will be his new home . He parked his bike in the backyard of the house and tried to open the door but it was locked . In fear that dogs and other animals might find a way in , he didn't broke the door . 
He checked every opening to the house and saw that a window was open on the ground floor of the house . He entered the house through that window and got into the kitchen .
"Oh sh*t , the gas is leaking . I better get out of this house soon . " , said Lee while jumping from the window . Lee sat on the bike and started looking for the new house . 

"There will be various house that have there gas leaking . I have too find a better house . " , thought Lee while looking at each house . " I can't go to my house , it's too close from factory , It might not last more than a week . " 

Lee is wandering in search of a new house . He goes to the outskirts of the city and finds an apartment . "Maybe this is what I was looking for ." He gets off the bike and starts to go inside the apartment . "Oh the door is open , It was easier to get inside , but it is a 3-storey building . I should start my search as fast as possible . 

After a while , he checked every floor . "Ok , there is no harm in this place and it looks comfortable outside of the city . I should go and check out the surrounding area ." 

As Lee was on the bike checking every place within a 100 m radius he saw an open dump . " This might not be that harmful I think . " He saw a river . "Oh a good place for my water supplies. Only if I find a supermarket , this place would be perfect for living ." As he was on the way , he saw railway track . "I might wanna stay safe from here. I don't want to get hurt by the train ." 
He traveled back to the apartment but can't find a single grocery store . " Maybe I have to increase the area of search , but it would have been better if I could find it nearby , but first , I have to inspect the apartment better . I should live on first floor as animals might get in ground floor easily . " He goes to the first floor and start looking the house . He finds charger , some electronic devices , some packaged food and some vegetables . " This may last a week . I have some time to find a convenience store . So today I will just rest." , says Lee while jumping onto the bed .  
Lee wakes from the sudden commotion . He sees that someone is banging his door . "Oh sh*t , the dogs started the commotion . This was the thing that I didn't wanted to happen . Stupid people keeping this stupid animals as pet ." He looks out of the window . He sees that there was blood all over . Various dead bodies of cats , birds and various animals were there . Even bodies of dog were there . 
The dogs left and started looking for a new apartment to bang . 

"They left earlier than I thought . But for them to reach the outskirts of city this early . didn't expected that ." Lee pours milk in a glass and start drinking it . "My life should be like a anime , where a sudden commotion in the life of m.c. happens and he gain a supernatural power . But this is not anime , this is real life. I have to survive this no matter what . " 

"Let's see whether the T.V. is working or not . " Lee switches the T.V. on . The T.V. turns on . The T.V. and electricity both are working . This they are being supplied . But if human left all in sudden , then every house must be consuming the electricity . I have to go and turn of everything as much as I can . " As Lee opens the door , some of the dogs left outside starts barking and rushing towards Lee . "Oh man", says Lee while closing the door in hurry . 
"I think that I can't go outside for a while . Need to save the food and water resource ." 

The bark continued but this time dogs were going back to city . Lee thought that he should go and check the damage by the dogs . 

The road had various splashes of blood and dead animals.  The open dump was in mess with blood and dead animals. The river water was also filled with blood . As he was coming back , he saw a dog rushing towards him . He accelerated his bike to max speed he could reach , but soon his started slipping because of the blood . "Oh sh*t at this rate I am gonna die by falling ", thought Lee . He was at full speed and reached his house but he thought that if he will get off the bike the dog will catch him so he decided to take another round over the city but what could be worse , the fuel in the bike was about to hit 0 . "I gotta find another way ." 

As he was riding the bike , he saw a supermarket and rushed his bike in it and jumps from the bike and closed its door . The dog was barking outside .
"Ah , this was the best place I could get into . But I should check this out , there might be animals here as well .  Let's use this fire extinguisher as a weapon. " ,says Lee while picking up the extinguisher . Lee traveled around the store and saw no animals . He saw pieces of glass lying on the floor at the spot where jam and other jars were kept . "Maybe people were gonna buy this . "

"Ok , so this convenience store has enough food to keep it going for almost a month or two . But the problem is of electricity , if electricity runs out then the food here will go bad as the refrigerator will stop working . But I can't go out in this state . It would have been nice if I had some supernatural powers. I wonder how Adam lived in the situation . Well he had Eve by his side . " 

Lee opens a packet of chips and start eating it . 
As he was eating the chips , someone passed the convenience store on bike at full speed . There was a whole crowd of dog rushing after the bike.
"Holy Moly , the dealer said that I am gonna be the last man on the Earth . How is their someone riding the bike . Hey dealer , get your foot back here . I wanna know what happened to the deal that , I was the last man on Earth . Wait- I am the last MAN  on Earth . The dealer didn't said anything about woman . But if there are woman here , how come I have only seen one . Is it that the person on bike is the last WOMAN on the Earth . Oh man now I understand , the dealer also made deal with that woman to remove all the woman on Earth . Oh yeah , I have found my Eve ."

He throws the packet of chips in dustbin . 
"Even if no one is there , we should always throw garbage in a dustbin ." 
"But does she know that I exist in this world .I was lucky enough to see her going in front of my eyes but does she know that I am here . Maybe not , but I have to tell her that I exist , we can start this from scratch . But first I have to find her . She went to east side . Which means she is also smart enough to get out of the city . But there is apartment except mine there . Maybe she stays there . I have to get to my apartment now . " 

He fills as much stuff , he can in his bag and gets to the door.
As soon as Lee opens the door , a dog comes rushing towards him . But he was not that afraid , 'cause he had a weapon this time. He threw the extinguisher at him and he ran away . Now he sits on his bike and heads toward his apartment . 
"Will she be there or will she be a dead meat when I get there ?", thinks Lee while rushing towards the apartment . 

As soon as he gets to the apartment , he rushes to check every floor but there was not even a single sign of the girl been there . " Maybe she couldn't stop the bike here because of the dogs and all . She might get here soon . "

"It's been an hour and still she has not arrived yet , maybe she became a dead meat . But what are the odds that the last man on Earth and the last woman on Earth are in the same city ." , thinks Lee while drinking water from the bottle he took from the store . 

"Seriously I can't believe all this is happening to me , until yesterday I was gonna die , but now I wanna live , in the world where no one else is living . I want to find a person . I was most afraid of people in that world .", thought Lee while lying down .

"Oh no , I have to find Eve ." , shouted Lee while waking up . " When did I fell asleep , I have to go and search Eve . ", says Lee while getting out of the apartment . He then sat on his bike and rushed it to the east direction . "I will definitely find her." 

.© MdvRathi