

Judge Rebecca
Rebecca was a judge. She had been confirmed to the state Supreme Court. She was a rags-to-riches story. her mom never finished high school. she was homeless for a time. She worked a dead-end job. Rebecca grew up in government housing. she loved school. Her teachers saw a liking for her. she excelled in school.
She was interested in the law and government from a young age. She was interested in the process and the mechanics of government. She wanted to be a lawyer from a young age. It never went away. It stuck with her all through elementary school to her graduation.
She served in student government in high school. She was the editor of the school yearbook. She won awards and essay contests. She was even honored by the state legislature.
At 16, she got a job working as a lawyer. She cleaned the offices. The lawyer took a liking to her. He let her use his law library on her off time. He saw a lot of promise in her.
She worked for him all through his school. He was a reference in her college application. He wrote a strong recommendation. She went to the state university. She maintained a 4.0 g.p.a. She got her bachelor's degree in political science. She applied to law school and got in. She got her j.d.
She was admitted to the bar. She became an associate of the lawyer she once worked for. At first, she second chaired for him or did insignificant cases. She got street cred and started to get noticed.
She was involved in a high-profile case. She started the second chair. Her boss asked her to take over. She got an acquittal. Her star was in attendance from then on.
She wanted to be the voice for the underdog. She wanted to be a voice for the voiceless. She was that at first. She got taken on some pivotal cases. She got acquittals. She became in high regard. Soon she started getting dirtbags for clients. at first, she justified it. She said that she was fighting the. system. This was to hold the system accountable. After a while that became hollow. She became disillusioned. She considered giving up her legal carer. Her mom encouraged her to stick with it.
Her mom had always been her biggest cheerleader. She was so proud of her. She told me not to give up. She assured her that she was making a difference. She always wanted to be a defense attorney. She wanted to hold the government accountable. She wanted to be a check on judicial power. She had no interest in being a prosecutor. She was so fed up with being a defense attorney. She decided to join the district attorney's office.
She quickly rose through the ranks. She supervises the prosecution of white-collar criminals. She then took over the prosecution of sex crimes. She testified before the state legislature and even the u.s congress. She met with attorneys generals of several states. She sat on panels. She consulted former soviet satellite nations as well.
She was made a judge. She presided over pre-trial motions. She was known as tough but fair. She then presided over trials. She was then appointed to the state supreme court.
She never saw it coming. She never dreamed of being on a state supreme court. She did not even know she was being considered. When the governor assumed office, he had put together a list of potential candidates for the court. He liked her and wanted her on the court if there was a vacancy. When a vacancy opened up, she was at the top of the list.
She was shocked when she was approached. She decided to agree to participate in the vetting process. The process was quite grueling.
Her entire life history was closely scrutinized and examined. She had to document every aspect of her life. They wanted everything. Every detail was looked at.
Her family was interviewed. Her friends, family, co-workers, fellow students at get universities, etc. No stone went unturned .she got the nomination. the confirmation was relatively easy compared to the vetting. She was confirmed with no real opposition.
Her mom was so proud of her. She had gone to the confirmation hearings. She threw a party when she was confirmed. Even her two x husbands were supportive of her. They both wrote glowing recommendations. Her three young daughters were on hand when she was shown in.
She was at the pinnacle of her carer. Everything seemed to be falling into place. The sky seemed to be the limit. She could go anywhere. So how did she end up behind bars facing serious charges?