

Deep into the forest
My entry for the wattpad high fantasy competition called Picture prompt.
Sent with an unknown portal to a completely unknown world, soldiers must find the way to survive the journey to the End of the World portal while being helped by mystical ancient rainforest warriors.

"Faster, walk faster!" Officer Stevens hastened his soldiers, who, armed with weapons and in army suits, marched through the untouched forest beyond the portal. Stevens understood that they were in a completely different world and that no academy or skills has prepared them for this, but what could he do? After a portal discovered by scientists right next to their military base sent them to a completely unknown world, they wandered for two weeks, feeding with the last pieces of their food. They walked throught the magical raniforest full of beautiful flowers and plants. That was a strange felling for Mike Stevens, who was always surrounded by a desert and a military base. Here, he could only hear the birds singing and the sound of soldiers walking mingling with the rustle of leaves and the hum of various bugs. All of a sudden, something jumped out in front of him. It was a panther with the shiny black fur and sly yellow eyes. They started firing. Panther jumped on one of the trees watching them with fear in it's eyes as her blood began to leak the wood. After a few minutes, she could no longer stand on the tree and collapsed dead at their feet. The soldiers began to cheer, but then something flew over their heads. It was a blood covered arrow. Screams like shouts were heard from afar, and then another thousand arrows, like the one, flew between the soldiers. Suddently, to them came women dressed in colorful skirts and coats, and metal armor tighter than their army clothing. Some of the soldiers fell, hit by arrows, and some began firing at strangers. The battle began. Soldiers started firing and screaming at the same time as they were being targeted by arrows and swords. Stevens was completely unprepared for this, he was trapped in the sound of rattling swords and gunshots, what was like the encounter of two worlds. But then a woman ran up behind him, riding the panther and swinging a sword that nearly cut off his head, so he got out of his trance and started firing with his M16 rifle. But then he realized what have they done. Around him were dead or wounded people. Stevens figured out what he was doing and threw down his rifle "We have to stop this." he shouted to his soldiers. "You must not shoot again, this is a command" the soldiers stopped firing and the foreigners stopped firing at them with arrows. They we're looking at each other in silence for a few minutes, but then one of the sword warriors approached Stevens. "Who you are and what are you doing on our holy land? You dare to kill the panther, the holy being of our tribe, and kill some of our warriors?" Stevens pointed to the dead around him with his hand. "Both sides were killed. We are trapped in this world without food and water and we just want to go home. Now we have lost many soldiers, but we are sorry for what has been done." The warrior ran her hand over the dead bodies. The corpses rose with a glow that made soldiers and Stevens close their eyes. When they opened it, the dead were alive again. "It is the magic of our tribe. Those who did not intentionally injure us and who died from our arrows can be brought back alive." From the back rows, a tribal leader broke through, walking toward Stevens as she removed armor from her head "If you are hungry and if you are thirsty, come with us to our kingdom and then we will tell you how to return to your world. It won't be easy. You will have to pass the Desert Mountain and the realms of beings that are not like us. But, at the end of the world there's a portal that leads back to the land of the people."
The ruler came to her panther. "Now come with us. We will give you the food and drink you need." They walked through the rainforest as the female warriors shrink the way with swords and led them to their kingdom. After passing under a waterfall, they found themselves next to a tree about 50 meters high that contained castles and houses surrounded by other trees and decorated with special runes. The castles were beautiful white and the houses were made of marble and black stone extracted from the depths of the ocean. The warriors took them inside and led them into a hall decorated with precious stones and feathers of the most beautiful birds of the rainforest. The finest wines, meats and vegetables were on the table. The soldiers began to eat and eat until they were full because they had not eaten real food for days. But then a ruler entered the room and ordered the other fairies to remove the food from table. "You need to go now through the Desert Mountain, the Purple Ocean and other kingdoms on a journey through our world. You will have to go into the unknown, dealing with beings that are just a story, a fairytail in your world. I'll give you maps and food but the most important, I'll give you the weapon who would help you in the worst trouble. The portal will be closed soon, and then you will forever remain in our world." Stevens got up from his chair. "Then we'll start today. We are trained to survive in the worst conditions and dire situations. We will succeed. Let me hear you, guys! Will we succeed?" "We will!" The soldiers raised their glasses, shouting to Stevens and assuring each other but themselves that they would succeed. Although everyone was deeply afraid of the worst, they still believed because that was their only hope. And so they set off, into a completely unknown world.
They didn't know what was waiting for them in the dark kingdoms full of twisted creatures and monsters.