

Act 1: (Scene 1)

That very day i was sick and tired,
I could only see my friend(Rhoddy) by my side,
She asked me;
Rhoddy: Ridoh, what's wrong...
(I explained)
Me: I feel lonely,there is no one to play and talk to...
(She smiled and answered)
Rhoddy: Ridoh u dont have to feel bad because of that,
I have told you think you are lonely anymore,the moment you see me by your side we are alright, even if i am not,i think you should always feel the bond we both shear,and that should always kill ur loneliness...
I smiled and was happy again..
We hugged and went out for breakfast...
(People noticed our friendship,and suspected if we were in a relationship,but they were convinced when they all heard we both have lovers)...
After breakfast that day we went back to our various houses...
Now the people of Alade town has known about our friendship,
And they all pray for relationship like ours...

Act 1: (Scene 2)

Now the king of Alade town king Ibrahim Adebayo,Heard about our relationship and said,
There is no relationship or friendship without an end in life...
(His belive was that our friendship would never last years)
Elders of Alade town tried to convince the king about our friendship and that there was never going to be an end to it,
But the king refused,and said,
''Ooo'' Elders of alade town,i give this kids 5 years time and assure you that you'll give me bad news about their friendship,
If not then we'll trow them a test...
(The elders greeted the king and ended the conversation)...
"He continued"
I once had a friend,
we were bonded the way they both were,
One day we both saw a big diamond,and decided to keep it till we a matured enough to knw how to use it,or maybe to sell it,
We both agreed,
But he went ahead and sold the diamond,and i was not awear,not until years later i heard that he had became rich,
I asked him about the diamond,but he commanded his guards to show me the way out,
I was betrayed(said the king)...
(The people felt sorry,but still didnt agree with the king about my friend and i)..
The king noticed their love were strong,so he concluded after 5years they should give him news about our relationship...
(They all greeted the king and ended the conversation)
"All this meetings were going on,but Rhoddy and i never knew anything about it"..

Act 2: (Scene 1)

Years passed by,
Years after years..
We are now 22,
Our love since 17 was still as sold as the day we first met...
The elders went back to the king ..
Elders: Greetings Your Highness,
This kids are still bonded together with sold love,
and their relationship still very smooth...
King:(The king felt moved) hmm,
You mean this kids are still together...???
Elders: (In echo) Yes,Your Highness (They all said)...
King : You know what,
The next step now is to pass some test on them,and see how strong their love truely is...
(The elders were happy to hear this from the king)
The king then send for both my friend and i
(we were both afraid,called on for the first time)...
We greeted the king...
He saw the fear writing on our both faces and said,
My children i call you both only to give to you this money,take it and shear ...
(We were happy,we took the money and greeted the king)...
The elders were confused ...
The king said to them,
That money you see i gave to them,
It would surely be the source of their fight, because the money cant be sheared equally,
They can only shear it 50/55,
The remaining 5 balance would be the source of their fight...
(The king spoke some words of intelligence to the elders,and the hailed the king "Long live the king")
The king smiled and greeted them back,
As the conversation came to an end....

Act 2 :(Scene 2)

We both went home and counted the money,
We discovered we couldn't shear it 50/50 ,
So we decided to shear it and use the remaining 5% to help the poor...
We created job opportunities with the money given to us ...
The news got to the king,and he was shocked with wht he heard we did with the money...
Then he decided to use our step against us...
(He called for us once again)
The king said too us "I am highly disappointed in you both,i gave money to you,but yo used it for stupid things , creating jobs for the unemployed"
(He instructed that we should be trowned to prison with immediate effect,till he forgives us for our mistake)...
"The elders were shocked and afraid what the plan was now"...
The king said to the elders,this is another test i have just started for the kids,
They will both fight themselves for the decision they made trying to help the village people,and the one who brings the plan would be at fault,
Now lets see how they pass this..
(The elders felt amazed with kings wisdom)

Act 3 : (Scene 1)

While in the prison,
We both prayed and sheared food together, because we were given small quantity of food to eat,
We work hardly everyday nad night,severally were not ok with...
(The king has instructed the guard to stay vigilant and listen to our daily conversation)
One night Rhoddy felt angry and said,
This is getting much,
What exactly have we done ,
Only because we sheared money to those who needed it,
And now we are getting punished for it...
(The guards were happy hearing this),
"Thinking we were going to have a fight that night"
Then i said to rhoddy,
"All this will end one day",there is no one that has came to this life without pain and tragedic story that they can tell ,
All we should ask for now is freedom from God...
(Rhoddy answered in a cool voice)
Rhoddy : Ridoh are you sure this will end one day, becouse the king is really angry ...
It will surely end one day and it will be a positive ending "I answered"...
(The news had gotten to the king, before we woke up the next morning)
The next morning,
The king instructed that he wanted to see us,
But firstly we should get freshen up,and served with good foods and fruits...
(We were suppirsed when the guards told us what the king has said,Now we noticed our prayers had been answered)
After all the entertainments,we were given good clothes,
Then the king said go home,
And instucted we should come back the next three days...
(We were happy to go back home)

Act 3 (Scene 2)
While going home that day,
We discovered our pictures had being drawn with bad comments as the first two stupid friends to be imprisoned in the town of alade...
(We were depressed,and blamed the day we collect the money from the king)
That three days before we went back to the king was hell...
Land lords didnt want us anymore,
We were ignored by everyone,
Hatred everywhere we went to...
We struggled hard to survive...
We were always trowned stone everywhere we went to,
We were like strangers for that three days we used on the street...
(We felt okey,since we were still together,we had all strength within us)
That morning (the third day),
I discovered everyone were just happy to see me wake up,
My parents prepared me a very special meal that day,(I thought it was a dream)...
I met rhoddy she said she was treated the same way by her parents and the people...
On our way going to the king ,
Villager greeted us even when we didnt notice them coming,
Our pictures had being cleaned from were it was drowned...
We got to the king and noticed all villagers and elders were all sitted waiting for us,
(we greeted the king and the elders,then we sitted on our both sit)
The king stood up and we all bow for the king as he speaks,
The town of Alade now has two friends who has never left them selfs each other no matter what comes their way...
"He continued"...
I passed some test to them, which they passed excellently and proved to me that truely friendship exist...
They passed well all my test and they also won my heart,
For this i shall reward them,
Firstly,They will become the head of youths in alade town,
Ridoh for the boys ,and Rhoddy for the girls,
Enough money should immediately be forwarded into their accounts,
And they should from now on leave a great and better life in their new houses,cars ,
And i pray for you both long life and prosperity,filled with joy, happiness,and peace...
And devil shall never split you both,
Your friendship will forever last...
Our both parents were proud of us,and we were also proud of ourselfs....
(The king prepared a great party that night, everyone ate delicious meals and drinks,we enjoyed that night and greeted the king in appreciation,And immediately we were moved to our new homes,life went on easy and happiness rained in atada town)
"Friendship never hurts,what is determined is who you choose to be with"...
The End..