

Drama and Poetry
Comedy of Manners- Plot elaboration, Physical seduction, Dressing code, Intrigue by forgery and spy , Polished socity etc.
first and foremost playwright Sir George Etherge - The comical Revenge, Love in a Tub.
William Wycherley- The country wife, The plain Dealer , Love in a wood.
Richard Sheridan- The Rivals (1775), The school for Scandal ( 1777).
He coined term Malapropism derived from Malaprop character for Use of words mistakenly creates humor.
Similar sounds are interchanged in Malapropism.

William Congreve - The old bachelor, Love for love , The Double Dealer, The way of the World (1700) in five acts.
Mirabell loves Millamant but her Aunt Lady Wishfort wants her to get married to nephew Wilful Witwood.Wishfort wants inheritance that's why She plays with heart of Mr Rowland.
Foible , Servant of Wishfort falls in love with Waitwell , Maid of Mirabell. Meanwhile Mrs Marwood starts loving Mr Fainall.
4the Act provisio Scene brings planning of marriage.
At End, Three marriages can be sought :
Mirabell and Millamant
Lady Wishfort and Mr Rowland
Foible and Waitwell.

Comedy Of Humor:
Humour derives from Latin Humor or Umor means Liquid.
Four Liquids are Blood , Phlegum , Yellow bile & Black bile.
Plays- Every man in his humour (1598), Every Man out of his humor( 1599), Volpone, Alchemist ( 1610) , Epicone or A silent Woman , Poetaster, A tale of a tub , Bartholomew Fair.
Tragedy- Sejanus His fall(1603), Cataline his conspiracy (1611).

Comedy Of Menace: Coined by Critic Irving Wardle derived from Crompton play ' The lunatic view : A comedy of Menace '.
Writers- David Crompton, Harold Pinter, Nigel Dennis , NF Simpson .

Irish Literary society founded in 1892 london by Yeats , TW Rolleston & Charles Duffy.
Irish Literary Theatre founded in 1899 by Yeats , Lady Gregory & Edward Martyn.
Its Celtic Revival & Irish Renaissance or Gaelic Revival. Threate as Abbey theatre became in 1904.

Movement Term coined by JD Scott in 1954 , Editor of Spectator concluding poets such as Larkin ( Leader), DJ Enright, Donald Davie, Kingsley Amis, Elizabeth Jennings, Robert Conquest, Thomas Gunn, John Holloway& John Wain.

Preraphaelites- 1848-60 founded by William Holman Hunt , John Everett Millais & Dante Gabriel Rossetti in field of paintings.
Its aim to replace Paintings of great artists like Raphael.
Others are AG Swinburne and William Morris & Christina Rossetti.
The Blessed Damozel by DG Rossetti , Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti & The Earthly Paradise by William Morris.
They wrote poetry of aesthetic pleasures connected with Aestheticism and Symbolism.

Its spirit of Freshly school of poetry makes fierce attack on pre raphaelite brotherhood coined by Robert Williams Buchanan.

Symbolic School of poetry - Oscar wilde, Ernest Dowson and Arthur Symons . They are Symbolist and Decadents.
They are first of modern writers.

Four Laureates declined Laureateship.
1- Thomas Gray 1757 replaced by William Whitehead
2- Walter Scott 1813 replaced by Robert Southey.
3- Samuel Rogers 1850 replaced by Tennyson.
4- Larkin 1984 replaced by Ted Hughes until 1998.

© Wasim Azam