

The Last Sang VII
I rolled over in bed to find Loki was missing. We were just moments from sun down and I wondered where he had gone. I sat straight up in bed my eyes searching the room to find he was not there. I carefully got out of bed when I heard running water nearby. I looked over to the washroom just to catch a glimpse through the cracked door of him getting into the shower. I turned pink feeling so wrong but I still didn't look away until he was out of view.
"How long till sundown?" I called out realizing my watch was broken.
"Tecnically in 20minutes, but it's been overcast all day so I suppose you'd be fine to go out even now." Loki yelled back over the running water.
"Alright, I'm going to stretch my legs a bit." I answered.
"Be careful and remember what I told you." Loki answered as I left the room.
Ambrosia's home was absolutely stunning. I walked along the upstairs hall just admiring all his priceless pieces of art. This place had clearly been in his bloodline for many generations, as the artwork slowly became more modern as you walked on. I stopped when I came to a painting of a naked man crouched down under the full moon. This painting spoke to me, the artist had perfectly captured the sadness of this man.
"You like that one?" Ambrosia asked startling me.
"I'm sorry I didn't see you there." I said grasping my chest, "Yes it's a very breathtaking piece."
"It's an original, you probably can't tell due to the heavy shadows but I was actually the subject of this piece. My brother had captured this in the moments after the shift." He explained.
"That's you?" I asked stunned by this realization.
"You seem surprised."
"It's just this artwork, it really humanizes you." I explained.
"Oh?" he questioned raising his eyebrows to me. "Would you care to see the rest of the place?" he asked.
"That would be lovely." I answered as Ambrosia led me down the long hall explaining each and every piece of art and it's origin.
Ambrosia was a charming host and answered any and all of my questions, even the ones completely unrelated to the tour. It was so unusual in every writing ever it always said werewolves were the mortal enemy of vampires, but I seemed to be having a great time getting to know about Ambrosia's ancestory.
He led me down a off shoot of the hall to an empty room. I looked around the room perplexed. The walls were black and the floor white marble.
"You have plans for this room?" I asked nervously remembering Loki's warning about Ambrosia.
"Maybe someday." he answered as he walked to me.
"The floors are absolutely breathtaking." I said as I backed away slowly.
"Do I make you nervous?" he asked smiling menacingly.
"No, why would you say that?" I lied.
"Oh I am very skilled with reading body language, and I'm reading yours loud and clear." he growled hungrily moving closer.
I didn't know what to do I felt trapped as I was literally backed into the corner of the room. His golden yellow eyes pierced right through me like a couple of daggers making me feel totally helpless. From everything I had ever read about werewolves their power and strength surpassed our own. Just as I was sure he was going to get to me I pinched my eyes closed and heard the doors spring open.
"What the hell do you think you are doing in my studio?" a very flamboyant voice barked.
I opened my eyes completes speechless by what I was seeing. Standing in the door was a giant black hairy beast that stood like a man with a wolf skull for a face and various patches of exposed bone.
"Sorry Raz, I was just giving Jezebel here the tour." Ambrosia lied as his eyes stayed glued on me.
"Oh and I'm sure you were completely butchering it." Raz answered as he sauntered into the room pushing Ambrosia out of the way and extending a hand to me. "Excuse my brothers rudeness, but I am Raz. Otherwise known as the common sense in this family." I shook Raz's furry hand, under any other circumstance I would be frightened but Raz had literally just saved my life.
"I'm Jezebel of the Sanguine Tribe." I answered.
"Oh my! Aren't you a long way from home. C'mon let me give you a proper tour." he said waving me to follow completely disregarding Ambrosia.
I felt a wave of relief hit me as I walked on out of the room with Raz. I had heard the phrase dont judge a book by it's cover as long as I can remember. It wasn't until meeting Raz I truly learned the meaning of it.
"So go ahead and ask." Raz said breaking the silence.
"Ask what?" I asked confused.
"Aren't you just precious, obviously what in heaven's name I am." he laughed.
"Well I can't say it hasn't crossed my mind." I admitted.
"Of course it has its only natural to be curious and it's nothing I am ashamed of. You see I am an artist, so I find great beauty in the abstract making this less of a curse and more of a blessing to someone like me." he explained.
"Wow that is such a beautiful way of looking at things." I smiled.
"If only everyone could see the world the way these eyes do." he sighed. "Unfortunately this world was built of bigotry and self hate instead of love and support. All I can do is hope to change the views of others one at a time. You see a few months back I contracted the virus and fell very ill. We were all sure I wasn't going to make it as the shift took hold I was sure it was the end when something incredible happened. I only completed three quarters of a shift still able to move and speak like a man but with the common look of a beast. It didn't take long for my body to begin to deteriorate but again like the shift I only partially deteriorated exposing my facial bones, leg bones, and ribs. I see myself as blessed there are so many others who have lost themselves completely." he explained.
"That is an incredible story and such a positive and uplifting outlook on it." I said walking along beside him.
"I'm more greatful to finally have someone to conversate with. My brother he means well but he doesn't understand everyone needs freedom. Come to think of it what was going on with you and my brother in the art studio?" he asked.
"Oh nothing." I answered nervously.
"Now now you cannot lie to me missy. I saw that look on your face and I know my brothers barbaric ways. So tell me, what did he do to you?" Raz pressed.
"Raz is that you?" Loki yelled from the top of the stairs interrupting.
"Loki, my dear old friend." Raz answered becoming distracted as Loki put his arms around him.
"It's been too long." Loki gushed.
"Yes and from your lack of reaction to my physical appearence, I venture Ambrosia has already warned you what to expect."
"He mentioned the virus effected you differently and honestly I could care less what is on the outside all that matters is I still have my best friend." Loki answered and hearing him be so sweet melted my heart.
"What brings you all this way?" Raz asked patting Loki on the back.
"That my friend is a very long, very wild story." Loki laughed.
"Well sum it up for me I'm interested." Raz snapped his furry fingers.
"Well I'm looking to get into the city." Loki answered.
"Shut your mouth!" Raz squealed, "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is inside that city? You are like guaranteed infection, no I won't allow it." He clucked.
"Raz, calm down I know this is going to sound crazy, but I am immune." Loki explained holding Raz's shoulders.
"Shut the fuck up." Raz answered astonished.
"I know it's wild, but that's why I need to get to the city to help." Loki begged.
"Alright, alright considering your ass isn't delusional and you are immune, what about the hoards of crazed infected vamps?"
"I'm just going to have to take my chances." Loki shrugged.
"Your stupid ass is serious aren't you?" Raz asked.
"As serious as it gets." Loki answered.
"Well in that case stay the night here come up with a plan, sleep the day and tomorrow night we all breach the walls." Raz suggested.
"I can't put you in harms way." Loki answered.
"Excuse you, but I am choosing to come. In case it isn't blatantly clear I too am immune and I refuse to sit back and do nothing. Besides I am the only one who knows how to breach the wall." Raz answered with his hand on his hip.
"I have no choice do I?" Loki asked.
"Not even a little honey." Raz answered.