

Daksh landed on Mumbai airport

Looking around he said to himself " So much have changed in the span of 5 years " sighing after sometime he said " Don't know what is waiting for me here now, hope that everything goes well as soon as possible then I will go back and never come again. I don't want to face my past again. "

He then went out of the airport towords his home.


" Finally back to home after so long time so much refreshed now... After freshening I will go to the office and see to the problems. "


Daksh fished that day's work in the office and left for his home

While going he heard someone calling him " Hey man how are you? "

" Hey Aryy what a surprise when you came back from US? "

" I came here a week ago, you say after a so long time... where you have been all this years? After that day you vanished no calls no contacts nothing you just disappeared like you were never being with us there "

" Let's go to my house and talk because I think it will be a bit awkward to stand on the street and discuss about this things. "

" Okay let's go "


" Coffee ? "

" Ya thanks now say where you have been all this time ? "

Daksh sighed and said " All this yers I have been in Dubai I got job there so I went there only "

" But as far as I know you used to tell that you will never leave India you love to stay here "

Daksh while looking at his cup " Does always what we tell we do rhat things only ? I also never thought that I will ever leave India but you know after loosing everything I just shattered I had no Idea what to do and then this offer came so I accepted the offer and went out of India. "

" But ... " Aryan stopped, and then he said again " I was planning for a reunion of our college group so I want you to come also, I wanted to contact you but couldn't . "

" You know that I will not come then why are you telling me? and also I will go back after few days once my work here is finished "

" So you are planning to run away from us ? " seeing his silence " Okay dont say anything but please do come to the party others will be also happy to see you after so long time " after a pause " and I think that he will also be very happy to see you "

Daksh looked up with jerk

" I will wait for you in the party, the party is day after tomorrow at 8:30 pm at my place... I will be cery happy if you come "

" I will think about it "

" Okay its too late I will take a leave now. Bye good night take care. "

" Bye good night you take care too "

After that Aryan went out of the house leaving Daksh in his own thoughts.

© ZASS_1131