

Mystic Night terror
Chapter 2
The phone sound made Roger look back from his vast breakfast table to display screen thinking who could it be and with a grumpy voice he answered back "Hello, yes Roger here and voice on other end was of Diana sweet and soft Sir, am calling from Lifeline Hospital sir this is with regard to the patient that came in with you last night, Sir the doctor on rounds wants to have word with you can you make it here in another half an hour it's like urgent Sir, Roger's face flashbacked on the night back when he had saved this stranger lady, Fine I will be there soon and he hanged the phone and as he got up to rush back without finishing on his breakfast, Roger called upon his maid Smitha am going out so just clear on what is there on the table, Smitha was a chubby woman in her 40s curly hair and neatly clad in her uniform she hurried and said "Yes Sir, would you be coming in for lunch and Roger nodded his head to no, I will heading to my office and yes if Mr.Arjun Saxena comes in tell him to come with case papers in the court I will meet him there directly. Ok, Sir, Smitha hurried to reply back. Roger was a best well-known lawyer in town he was known for his excellency in lawsuits, as Roger stepped towards his car a black BMW and it was his baby and he loved driving it and never felt need to hire a driver as he was very possessive about his things and people who were closer to him. Soon he zoomed in and soon he was in between the peak traffic it was surely rush of peak office hours and as Roger grumbled in frustration muttering words, as soon he saw the signal green he leaped up to his speed he was punctual with timing and never liked people waiting or being told to wait, as he crossed the miles he reached the hospital and soon rushed at the reception, Hi I'm Roger and I was called to see the doctor that's for room nos.216 and soon Diana in her elite ways replied back," Yes Sir and soon she dialed the extension of sister Nancy who came quickly and assisted Roger to Dr.Rastogi room and left him inside and excused her as she had to attend on other patients. Roger nodded back at her, as he waited for the doctor to come to the room a small one with Dr.Rastogi certificates framed and a small case to cabins of files neatly in one corner. As he checked on his expensive Rolex watch it was going to 11 pm as he grabbed his phone to make calls, he was interrupted with a sweet voice behind him, You must be Mr.Roger am I right. Yes doc tell me how's is the patient and soon Dr.Rastogi face turned to serious grim and she said, please take your seat and as she open file of Ankitha curious to know may I know your relationship with the patient and Roger replied back, we'll I don't her in person and went on narrating the incident of the night, Dr.Rastogi face became more intense and as she heard him quietly she turned to face away from him to the file in front of her and said well let me tell you this lady case is serious she has been through lots it seems she has bruises all over the body and fractured hand seems as there are bruises of the knife and maybe molested but we need to wait for the lab reports to confirm on that anyway It would be helpful if we would know about her whereabouts and as we would require her bills to be paid also on time, Roger's face was lit in anger and as he controlled on his bad temper replied back, it's ok I will bear the damages till lady relatives drop in to take over. Ok then, you can check with sister Nancy she will guide you with the bills and you can pay them and we have found a purse in lady dress maybe it would help you in finding her identity, Oh that's great it surely will reply back Roger as he got up to say his thanks to Dr.Rastogi and asked for his leave now and she said ok Sir and she called upon sister Nancy who came running, "Yes doctor she replied and Dr.Rastogi filled in the details and gave the file to sister Nancy and soon Roger was explained on the medicine required from the pharmacy and given the bills to be paid and Roger moved on in hurry to do the needful and asked sister Nancy for the purse of the patient and she quickly said you came to be at the reception I will get it for you Sir, and as she hurried back to Ankita room she was still sleeping with the painkillers making it's the reaction. Meanwhile, Roger was done with bills and medicines and as he waited at the reception he saw sister Nancy coming towards him she handed him a small purse handmade of cloth as he smiled back at sister Nancy and took her to leave and hurried back to his car he was late for his meeting and soon he headed in speed towards his destination.
It was a busy day at the court with a scene of all lawyers in their coat running around as Roger headed to meet Arjun Saxena his junior lawyer and took papers from him and rushed up to his client explaining him all details and then raised a hand to Arjun and said from here you will be guided by my junior and soon turned towards him and Arjun a little nervous and the short guy in his 30s but smart and efficient in his work took over from Roger all details and then said in the bold voice it's ok from here I will take over you can leave Sir if anything required I will call you, Roger nodded to a yes and turned back to talking over to a typist nearby as you Arjun went ahead. The day was hectic and soon Roger was feeling the hunger pangs he quickly looked at his watch it was 2 pm already. He went to the canteen and ordered him for some food as a board over there read self-service he took a corner seat it was a crowded place with lawyers discussing and talking woman on some sides of the table. he hated the rush hours but since he had no choice. He soon saw his token number called and soon he left for taking his meal and took it back to his table and in a hurry completing the meal. As he was done table manners took plates and put them on the bucket that was for dishes and got up to wash hands as he put his hands in his pockets for his handkerchief he landed with grabbing Ankitha purse which he had almost forgotten and as he returned inside corridors he opened it to see there were some coins and an id card there was small passport picture of Ankitha and now as he got the details he read as
Name - Ms. Ankitha Tiwari
Age - 27 years
Designation - Graphics Designer.
The company name was written The Lucas Enterprises Ltd.
As Roger looked for more details there was just the address if lost returned back to the company address. Soon he looked in his smart iPhone for looking into finding the location of the company,
And there as he looked into Google search he soon ended up with few company with similar identity he took a screen shot of them and soon headed back to meet Arjun he was busy with the same clients but on seeing Roger excused him and came to tell him the briefing required and as then Roger told him meet him at the office when done surely Sir and Roger slide back to the basement where is the car was parked and moved back in reverse again checking on his watch and it was past 4:30 pm he rushed to his office it was 2 miles away from the court and as he knew the shortest diversion he reached his office in 10 mins and as he moved to the tallest building at corner parking his vehicle with ease he moved to his cabin on 8 floors a luxurious room and there was Rita his secretary who stood to greet him and he politely replied, "Good evening lady", Rita was in the early 20s tall girl with basic features and she rushed back with Roger telling him on his meetings, letters and emails which needed his attention and Roger filled ok done lady, and as he listen at ease all that was to be done for rest of his day. Alright, Rita, I want you to do me a favor I want details of this company and all about this lady from the company and make it soon before I leave for the day and as he scribbled details on a notepad from his iPhone and then handed over to her who just took it and said "will be done sir, anything else and yes please ask for a cup of coffee from pantry done sir and as Rita left him alone. Roger took out id from the purse and gave it a quick look at what had happened that night and as went back on how she had come in her arms there was a strange kind of feeling he felt unknown but he shivered for a minute but just ignored it.

To be continued...
Hope you guys like my story please comment if you want to read more on Mystic Nights and put like button if you find it interesting me to motivate me thank you in advance stay safe stay blessed all.