

A Lesson That Every one needs to Understand Part 1
Technology is being used everywhere today. You can use this technology like mobile, laptops, tablets but not everytime

Let us read this story
Deepu is an eleven year old boy who is fond of reading comics.He has been promoted to the sixth grade a month back. These days, his school is closed for the summer vacation. So, Deepu has a lot of time for reading comics books. Hr usually asks his father to get new ones for him,but he sometimes borrow them from hos friends as well. Deepu reads comics all day long and even carries them with him while going out so that he can continue reading during the journey.

However, over the last few days, Deepu has found a new hoobby . He has stared listening to songs on the Internet using his parents' mobile phone.
He often borrows the phone from them and plays his favourite songs.

One Sunday, Deepu goes to mall with his parents . He sees a tablet in a shop there. Deepu gets excited to see the device and started nagging his parents to buy it for him. After a lot discussion, his parents finally agrees to buy the tablet.
Deepu was So happy.
Soon, Deepu starts spending all the time on tablets.He has already download quiet a few games on the tablet, which he keeps playing every now and then.If Deepu is not playing games, then he usually spends his time chatting with his friends or play music. His parents try to discouraged him from using his tablet so much,but all in vain!.

One day, Deepu's mom asks him to get tea leaves from the grocery shop ij the neighborhood. As usually, Deepu carries his tablet along, playing his favourite song on it. He puts on hos headphones and starts walking down the road, lost completely in his music. While crossing the road also Deepu does not bother to look anywhere. The auto driver hurriedly applies the brakes. But as it comes to a sudden halt, the auto loses its balance and hits Deepu.

Deepu falls on the road with a pound thud! His knees get badly injured, But luckily there us no major injured.

Deepu learnes an important lesson.
He realise that using technology too much harmful. From That day on,he start using his tablet judiciously.

Moral of the Story: You can use technology but rarely not every time .

#Aarika's #Technology