

Decision ; Chapter 4
My sister came back from her law house in a few days. She wasn't yet aware of what had happened between two of us. After sometime only, she realized something was wrong. After asking my brother told her the whole matter.
It was afternoon when she came to my room. "Hey! I heard about you and Dad..on..mmmyy... wedding day "she said .
"I don't want to talk about that, please!."I replied.
"But I want to." she said. "You said all that because you don't know what mom and dad had done just to see you as a doctor one day."she continued
"But why only me. Aren't you her daughter. Is Arne(my elder brother) not his son?'Yes they want to be a doctor but have they ever asked my choice.' Do you even no what dad said when I told him my choice.He said I'm talking rubbish."I said trembling ,tears were in my eyes.
"Aayla! Aayla! Aayla! calm down dear."she said and hugged me .
"Sistie ! I just can't do it. I can't." saying this, unable to control my tears I started crying.
"It's okay.Relax."she calmed me.
"Now listen to me carefully and stop crying. I'll tell you the whole story,when ,how it started, why not me or Arne but you and believe me you'll get all your answers." And then whatever she told me that forced me to rethink about my decision.

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