

A letter to Samantha Bacallan:
"Live your dreams and go up higher than what you think you can ever achieve."

Sam. Happy Birthday! I know I said gift but it's just a letter, really. You're 20 now. Wow, time sure flies fast. It's almost 8 years since we first met, 6 years since we became friends and 5 years since we became close friends. I'm counting the years since we became acquainted you know. That's just how sentimental I am. Hehe. There's so many things I want to tell you but I can't do in personal since I feel awkward. I feel like I would be able to express my feelings more in a form of letter so here I am. Remember the first time we became acquainted? You're playing volleyball with your friends and you saw me and Nami then you invited us to play with you. I'm not sure if you remember that but I do. You know what? Truth is, I respect you. I mean, you're one of the people I respect so much. I see you as someone I can rely on when things get hazy. You're one of my role models that I adore so much. I'm not really good at social conversations. I'm quite most of the time. I'm hard to talked to and to approached to. I'm awkward when meeting new people though it may not be obvious because of the permanent scowl on my face. I don't easily open up with people. I have lot of secrets. I'm bad at socializing. And the point is, we're opposites. You have the characteristics that I wanted but can never have. Not because, I'm not trying but because I know myself and my limits. However, despite our obvious differences, we clicked. We just...... get along really well. I don't want that to change. You're like the big sister I never had. You may not know this but you keep me in line. And in everything I do, what you think matters. That's show how much I rely on you. When I want to do something you're the first person I go to and ask. I'm dependent on you and I never really notice how much that backfires on me. Because, it comes to the point that I don't want to disappoint you. But enough of that. Haha. Too much drama in your birthday eyy??. The point of this letter is to tell you how much I appreciate you. You and your friendship with me. You're beautiful and smart. You're also a responsible daughter. Keep it up. Live your dreams and go up higher than what you think you can ever achieve. Always remember that out of everyone you know, I'm always here for you. I'll always stand by your side and support everything you do (well maybe not all, but that's the gist). Do remember that I'm looking after you so go and achieve the future you want to build for yourself like how you do for me. And always keep this in your heart that I love you and even if we go apart and our bond would get hazy (sometimes) it won't change a thing for us. Happiest Birthday, once again!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋😘😘

Fighting!! 👊👊
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