

Let It Out
Its almost 4 months since lockdown and everyone is at home.While the good thing is we get to spend time with our family and we can take care of our physical health by working out BUT we all are forgetting that OUR MENTAL HEALTH IS AS IMPORTANT AS OUR PHYSICAL HEALTH. And as we take care of our body by exercising similary we need to take care of our our mind by talking to someone about how you are feeling and LETTING IT OUT. There are a lot of people struggling with sadness,depression,loneliness and harming theirselves during pandemic.I want to take this opportunity to share with you guys that I along with other writers are taking the initiative to talk to people who needs help.
PS : You guys can talk to me on Instagram. My I'D at Instagram is @nursumarsafiya15
This are my team members:
@AbuZaid Shaikh @sagar1725 @Atulpurohit @Aakash @preciouspulm @mk_writer @shewrites @Hannah13 @basant5707 @Khalid9923 @A1359 @laini8580 @sabe @hafsa5047 @shwet351 @Raza8 @Adarsh @the_wanderer @susm @Life2736 @ur_lovely_boy
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