

How to deal with toxic people?
In some way or other at once in a lifetime you come across with toxic people. And it's very difficult for you to come out of their trap.

Tips to deal with them:-

1. Don't be in fear, when they blackmail you.
2. Start saying no, when they tell you to do something which is morally wrong.
3. They should not feel ignorant with your actions.
4. Your moves should be slow, when you are maintaining distance with them.
5. Stop sharing your plans with them.
6. Always have a back-up plan, when taking any move against their wishes.

See, your mental strength plays a vital role in dealing with this category of people. You cannot escape from such people. You will find them everywhere. The best way is learn to deal with them. Not to get into depression, but to accept them as a part of society.
First and for most thing you are important because of them only. The difference between wrong and right arises with the presence of these toxic people. This has been taking place from the years ago in the story of "Ramayana"  the Hindu epic. Where two famous character "Ram" who carried positive character with strong moral values and "Ravana" who carried a negative character with no moral values.
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