

I saw the YouTube confessions
about governance to Catholicism
Afghan and vietnam body
part totems....
unicorns...the chief had a unicorn belt
cancer on the horse i guess
like that red goop on the mallards
faces till their finally cute
I blame plastic surgery mistakes for a lot
The man that wanted to knock me out
was a really hairy Mexican
So they shaved it and thinned it out
and like mengele he claimed he looked
like a minister of God's beloved son
but the back of his head
had large soft tumors on both sides
till he didnt appear other then
psychotic most of the time
I dont know if I feel bad for him or
not I guess for me it depends if he is
insane or can be the intellectual
type of criminal....if the latter I admit
night stalkers would terrorize me till
I couldnt feel anymore...i would
get shocked really smart...
creeping up to try to sleep with me
then threatening to stab me if it's six
feet of space....
if they would want to be friendlies
then whisper how badly they could
cannibalize me I wouldnt care about wishing their worst fate on them or
what they should be most free of...
most issues I have a conscience about
but when it's cop cell projects....they give
then unrecoverable head cancer or
minority issue mentalism and
I admit it acts as dumb as an animal to me...so I feel about it like animal law
I did have forced concentration live shares
i could feel really bad for....even though
I knew they were really crazy little
people...but if it's the night stalking
I just read time timelife about it....
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