Big Trouble
She was all set to go, so was Sally. Sally sat patiently in the living room playing with one of her toys, a plastic plane. One of those souvenir planes from one of Suzie's plane trips. Suzie was in advertisement , she was always traveling to make pitches to different companies. Coca- Cola , Acura , Walmart , all the big ones, even smaller starter companies she caught wave of. Suzie was busy , but never too busy for Sally at all. Forever taking her on whatever business trips she could , where Sally enjoyed something like the life of the kid in the famous movie , " Home Alone ", only no missing family , safely indoors and Suzie would shower her with snacks and all types of toys to fidel with while she was gone. No video games though, Sally wouldn't even play with Pac-Man because video games were for boys. Catch her zooming one of her barbie dolls and a G.I Joe across the floor in a miniature Ferrari she chose , herself of course. Sally sat waving the Alaskan Airlines plane , trying to make whatever sound an airplane makes , " Sally , are you ready ? What sound is that ? ", " An airplane ...pppppp.....ppppppp..". Suzie sighed and gently explained that Sally sounded like she was making farting noises , so Sally changed the noise ," Oh ...... whoooosh ! .....whoooosh ! ". Then they were gone as Sally whooooshed the plane all the way to the car , " Do mommy a favor? No flying the plane in the backseat? Ground the plane to avoid driver distractions baby". They...