

The Midnight Prowl
Chapter 10


Inside of the dark and mysterious Obsidian Fortress. The orb we were following was leading us to only god knows where. “Where are we going?” I asked Moonight. He looked around for a second, “ I’m not sure, but we have no choice so let’s keep following the orb until it stops.” He said. “Oh alright, maybe it’s taking us somewhere important.”As we continued down the dark and mysterious corridor the orb suddenly stopped, putting me and Moonight on guard. “What is it?” I ask Moonight tensely. “I’m not sure.” He replied. Then the orb started glowing brighter than usual Illuminating our surroundings tenfold. We were in what looked like an ancient library. Thousands of books lined the shelves.
Just then the orb started speaking in Ogarian tongue: 'These books are generations of Mono Ogrian's history, feel free to look around, some of these books contain new Skills and spells. Some contain Mono Ogrian's Planetary History.' As the orb finished speaking we decided to look around a bit. As we looked around I saw a dark blue book sitting slightly ajar so I picked it up. It was kinda heavy despite its appearance. The title of this book read: The Planetary History Of Mono Ogria. I opened the book, dust flying everywhere. Inside the book there were 103 chapters of Mono Ogria's history. "I guess I'll start on chapter one then."
I flipped the page to chapter one and read: 'Mono Ogria was a planet void of any light other than the 3 moons and stars. It also was the second planet to exist before the current generation. Once the first generation of ancestors arrived they created lights by manipulating the stars.This was how Starlight Magic was created. These lights were called Astral Lanterns. While some of the ancestors were interested in Starlight, others were interested in the lack of light on the planet. Experimenting with stardust and obsidian sand they created two forms of Magic, Night Magic and Midnight Magic. Midnight Magic was created using a higher concentration of obsidian sand. Using this newfound magic they started creating a civilization. A few years after the first generation, some people decided to create weapons using their magic. These weapons were created from the obsidian sand to make a new substance: Obsidian Steel. Imbuing these weapons with Starlight Magic, The second generation of ancestors became the most powerful Planet In the multiverse. As time grew on The Chosen One's parents were born. Her parents became the smartest Ogrians on the planet. They discovered yet another form of magic: Familiarity Magic. While Researching the native species They discovered that when the animal trusted them they would bless them with their power, Imbuing them with special Stones called Familiar Stones. This magic power can be passed down from generation to generation. Once the Ogrian is born their parents would introduce them to different species of animals and if the Familiar Stone inside them glows softly that means that they have become Companions. Once they have chosen their Familiar, that Species is later transferred into a crystal called a Gem.That gemstone replaces their Familiar Stone. This is called Familiar Insurgence and can be taught and used on any planet.' " Wow that's a lot, I didn't know my original parents discovered a new type of magic." Intrigued, I decided to keep looking for more books. I found a silver book The title read: The Grimoire Of Mono Ogria.
I opened it and it contained new and different spells and skills that far exceeded my own. One of the pages read: 'Skills: Starlight Illusions: Refracts a small amount of starlight magic off of any smooth surface and creates optical illusions that confuse opponents. Can be used to communicate. Stardust Map: creates a small 3d map out of Stardust.' "Whoa, look Moonight these Skills are incredible!" " Huh? What are you looking at?" He asked. I looked over at him "What are you reading?" He was reading a pitch black book. I looked a little closer at it and the title read: Familiar Skills and Attributes. "Lemme see the book real quick." I looked at where Moonight was reading and my jaw almost dropped: 'Skills: Midnight Shades: Creates lifelike Shadows called Shades to attack opponents. Crescent Starlight: Takes power from the moon at its crescent form and shoots crescent-shaped starlight at opponents.' What kinda Skills are these? I looked at him and he just shook his head in disbelief. "We have a lot to learn." I said, shaking my head. Once we grabbed as many as books we could we decided it was time to leave. So I grabbed the still glowing orb and we walked in the direction we came. Once we were outside of the Obsidian Castle the door shut behind us. So I took the orb and threw it as hard as I could at the ground and the same black vortex appeared. I looked at Moonight and he nodded and we walked once more through the pitch blackness.
© cooljaxon22