

Once upon a time the cockroach met with a leader of ants and said that why do you all ants walk in one straight line? Aunt: because we love eat together.
A big laughter appeared. What type of love? Whenever you find even small things you called all your group and divide your food. The cockroach said. Then the cockroach moved on for finding their food. The Ant knot their head and went for their house.
The Next day ant saw that the cockroach was crying badly. “ What's happen?” Ant said. “ I am hungry… me and my friend were going for searching food, he found a big piece of bread and I found nothing. I requested him that “ please give me some small amount of food but, he said no”.
Ant called their group and order them to find some food. All ants found food and gave it to the cockroach. After eating the cockroach said, “ I am very thankful to all of you”.
Yesterday you asked me one question and laugh at me. This is the answer to your question and your laughter. Taking a small amount of food is better than being hungry. That’s why unity is very important in every creature. The cockroach said “ I love your unity. I was wrong and feeling ashamed.” I am happy that you feel sorry for their behavior. Now, you should go to your house. We will see you tomorrow bye” ant said.