

True beauty of life and pure happiness of spirit could never be obtained through menial success....so much of humanity spends their entire blood existence searching in vain for paths that are not their own....It is similar to 50 people applying for the same job when there are 50 jobs that need done.....there is a power in this world one can only discover when they are painstakingly and utterly alone in the world, a power that comes not only from within, but from above as well......the true meaning of life is peace and it is often overlooked due to its simplicity in nature...the meaning of life is the life you give meaning...... People respect and look to for leaders others who have no fear of being themselves. People who have the strength to walk alone bring some of the wisest elders we look to for wisdom.....
I watched a video once that explained happiness... He mentioned that; you can make someone smile, you can make someone laugh or even giggle..But you can never make someone else happy, their own happiness is completely and wholly dependent upon themselves... (Will Smith video by the way) and I have found that to be absolutely true...you must love and respect yourself first and foremost, (your own best friend in a sense) so that you may teach show others how to do so.......
Always question everything your told, don't follow a trail & make your own path instead so that others may follow.......throw away your jealousy and make them jealous of you instead..... Because at both the beginning and the end of the day, YOU are the only person in the world that knows exactly what you need...