

Being careless harms your progress ..

The diamond necklace on the mannequin looked familiar. She placed her palm on the window that separated them and leaned in closer. But all she gets a blur sight of everything at once, make her more messed up. Suddenly her phone pings and text read "come soon baby, waiting at home".Everything seems weird to her, she didn't really understand the text and start panicking , checking through her chat history;sadly all she gets just the text what she received right now. Anyone can tell that she was in bad shape, looking at the necklace over and over again. Now, the staff standing inside the shop became doubful of her and asked the security to look after. She finally moves ahead oblivious of where to go?, how to go?, why to go?.It felt like the situation of something called "time stuck", she was in pretty bad condition to even take help from someone. As she took 3-4 steps more, she faints there on road, the next she sees a room well arranged and unfamiliar to her completely. She tried to move but she couldn't, because her brain was awake but her body was still in sleep, she shouted and asked for help but hardly someone noticed her.
As she wake next morning, she sees a beautiful boquet lying on table and a person with wide smile greeting her. She felt uneasy and cautious about the person and managed to ask -"who are you ?" and" where I am ? "!
The person listening to these questions became sad and turn his head around to manage himself to reply. He said -" She is in Nyra Shrivastava 's home and she is talking to her husband ,little she understood that 'Nyra Shrivastava' is none other than she herself . She still was in confusion but couldn't collect the courage to ask another question. She shuts herself and went to sleep again. The person she was talking was none other than the 'love of her life ' and diamond necklace which felt familiar to her was the one with he proposed to marry . The happy moments from their life fades away as Nyra's father died within two years of their marriage , this loss hit Nyra so hard that she became the severe patient of "Post-traumatic stress disorder" (PTSD)*. That made her forgetful about her life, partner, living conditions and literally take her to the highest and lowest of emotions making her weak day by day. They met psychatrist for the treatment , that made her stable in life but lately she start being careless and stops her medication within just four months, now there she is lying on bed, escaping from reality, forgetting everything all over again and making herself vulnerable enough to break down once for all . She had taken some horrible decisions during her treatment phase, she filed case against her own husband for sexual harassment and sold everything valuable and got into substance abuse and that's how her situation is getting worse day by day, situation feels like she lost all her hope from life to live all she wanna kill herself. No matter how hard doctors and close relatives trying to find her inside but seems like lost forever. Everyone lost hopes for Nyra, but her husband's infinite love and hope to see her again smiling beautifully and telling him lame jokes keeping her still alive. Next morning, when she wake up, she saw the same person and again a beautiful boquet but this time she didn't feel uncomfortable but gladly she feels okay and smiles little bit after looking at him. Medicines are working on her, but the inconsistent behaviour of Nyra Shrivastava bring her to Square one of progress all over again. This time, her husband is determined to be anyone to get her back. Now, all he do is care about his wife health and medicine from past six months, surprisingly she knows everything and really is happy in life and love being pampered by her husband on daily basis.
Now, she feels free and often smile and work from home for her new job as marketing director of renowned company.
*Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event.

© Mysa_14