

Surah Yasin |Tafsir|Nazia Tul Fatah |
Name : Nazia Tul Fatah
Ya Sin ‎36:77
‏English ‎- ‏Tafsir ibn kathir
The Denial of Life after Death, ‏and the Refutation of this Idea
Mujahid, ‏Ikrimah, ‏Urwah bin Az-Zubayr, ‏As-Suddi and Qatadah said,
"Ubayy bin Khalaf, ‏may Allah curse him, ‏came to the Messenger of Allah with a dry bone in his hand, ‏which he was crumbling and scattering in the air, ‏saying, `O Muhammad! ‏Are you claiming that Allah will resurrect this.'
‏He said:
‏Yes, ‏Allah, ‏may He be exalted, ‏will cause you to die, ‏then He will resurrect you and will gather you into the Fire."
‏Then these Ayat at the end of Surah Ya Sin were revealed:
‏Does not man see that We have created him from Nutfah. -- ‏until the end of the Surah.
‏Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that Ibn Abbas, ‏may Allah be pleased with him, ‏said,
"Al-`As bin Wa'il took a bone from the bed of a valley and crumbled it in his hand, ‏then he said to the Messenger of Allah:`Will Allah bring this back to life after it has disintegrated.'
‏The Messenger of Allah said:
‏Yes, ‏Allah will cause you to die, ‏then He will bring you back to life, ‏then He will make you enter Hell.
‏Then the Ayat at the end of Surah Ya Sin were revealed."
‏This was recorded by Ibn Jarir from Sa`id bin Jubayr.
‏Whether these Ayat were revealed about Ubayy bin Khalaf or Al-`As bin Wa'il, ‏or both of them, ‏they apply to all those who deny the resurrection after death. ‏The definite article ‎"Al" ‏in

(Does not man ‎(Al-Insan) ‏see...) ‏is generic, ‏applying to all those who deny the Resurrection.
‏that We have created him from Nutfah. ‏Yet behold he ‎(stands forth) ‏as an open opponent.
Allah is our creator.
‏means, ‏the one who is denying the resurrection, ‏cannot see that the One Who initiated creation can recreate it. ‏For Allah initiated the creation of man from semen of despised fluid, ‏creating him from something insignificant, ‏weak and despised, ‏as Allah says:
‏Did We not create you from a despised water? ‏Then We placed it in a place of safety, ‏for a known period. (77:20-22)
‏Verily, ‏We have created man from Nutfah. (76:2)
‏which means, ‏from a mixture of different fluids. ‏The One Who created man from this weak Nutfah is not unable to recreate him after his death.
‏Imam Ahmad recorded in his Musnad that Bishr bin Jahhash said,
"One day the Messenger of Allah spat in his hand and put his finger on it, ‏then the Messenger of Allah said:

‏Allah, ‏may He be exalted, ‏says:
"Son of Adam, ‏how can you outrun Me when I have created you from something like this, ‏and when I have fashioned you and formed you, ‏you walk in your cloak on the earth and it groans beneath your tread. ‏You accumulate and do not spend until the death rattle reaches your throat, ‏then you say, `I want to give in charity,' ‏but it is too late for charity.""
‏It was also recorded by Ibn Majah.
‏Allah says:
Ya Sin ‎36:78
‏English ‎- ‏Tafsir ibn kathir
And he puts forth for Us a parable, ‏and forgets his own creation. ‏He says:"Who will give life to these bones after they are rotten and have become dust."
‏meaning, ‏he thinks it unlikely that Allah, ‏the Almighty Who created the heavens and the earth, ‏will recreate these bodies and dry bones. ‏Man forgets about himself, ‏that Allah created him from nothing and brought him into existence, ‏and he knows by looking at himself that there is something greater than that which he denies and thinks impossible.
‏Allah says:
Ya Sin ‎36:79
‏English ‎- ‏Tafsir ibn kathir
"He will give life to them Who created them for the first time! ‏And He is the All-Knower of every creation!"
‏meaning, ‏He knows about the bones in all areas and regions of the earth, ‏where they have gone when they disintegrated and dispersed.
‏Imam Ahmad recorded that Rib`i said:
""Uqbah bin ‎`Amr said to Hudhayfah, ‏may Allah be pleased with him, `Will you not tell us what you heard from the Messenger of Allah?'
‏He said, `I heard him say
‏Death approached a man and when there was no longer any hope for him, ‏he said to his family,
"When I die, ‏gather a lot of firewood, ‏then set it ablaze until my flesh is consumed and it reaches my bones and they become brittle. ‏Then take them and grind them, ‏and scatter them in the sea."
‏So they did that, ‏but Allah gathered him together and said to him:
"Why did you do that?"
‏He said, "Because I feared You."
‏So Allah forgave him.'
‏Uqbah bin ‎`Amr said, `I heard him say that, ‏and the man was a gravedigger."'
‏Many versions of this Hadith were recorded in the Two Sahihs.
‏One of these versions mentions that he commanded his sons to burn him and then grind his remains into small pieces, ‏and then scatter half of them on land and half of them on the sea on a windy day. ‏So they did that, ‏then Allah commanded the sea to gather together whatever remains were in it, ‏and He commanded the land to do likewise, ‏then he said to him, "Be!", ‏and he was a man, ‏standing.
‏Allah said to him. "What made you do what you did?"
‏He said, "The fear of You, ‏and You know best."
‏Straight away He forgave him.
‏Allah says:
‏Go to next ayah for complete tafsir
Ya Sin ‎36:80
‏English ‎- ‏Tafsir ibn kathir
He Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, ‏when behold you kindle therewith.

‏means, ‏the One Who initiated the creation of this tree from water, ‏when it has become green and beautiful, ‏bearing fruit, ‏then He changes it until it becomes dry wood with which fires are lit. ‏For He does whatever He wills and He is able to do whatever He wills, ‏and none can stop Him.
‏Qatadah said concerning
(He Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, ‏when behold you kindle therewith).
‏this means, ‏the One Who brought forth this fire from this tree is able to resurrect him.
‏It was said that this refers to the Markh tree and the ‎`Afar tree, ‏which grow in the Hijaz.
‏If one wants to light a fire but has no kindling with him, ‏then he takes two green branches from these trees and rubs one against the other, ‏and fire is produced from them. ‏So they are just like kindling.

‏This was reported from Ibn Abbas, ‏may Allah be pleased with him