

Let's run off.
"Let's run off" I say while looking into her brown eyes shining through the sun.
"pardon me? run off? where to?" her voice was clam but her expression did show shocking expression on her face.

"I don't know... some where far no one will find us there.. I want to be with you... forever.. "
I say while looking away from her seeing the sunset sitting down as she placed her head down my shoulder.
"your so silly... running off? without money?without a plan? that's crazy Eva.. "
I knew she was right about that but I didn't care one bit. I lifted her head and made her look at my blue eyes I hold her hand tightly.
"Emma.. I -"
we where sitting at her house stairs.
as her mum interrupted us I move away from her as she did my cheeks where blushing I didn't see her face because I was looking down. Her mother knew what I wanted from her daughter but she wouldn't let me. I loved Emma for years. I wanted to tell her today. run off some where far so no one can tell us what to do.
"I'm sorry Eva I have to go I see you tomorrow."
I looked back at her and smiled and hugged her as her mother was standing behind us watching are every move I let go of her and saw that beautiful warm smile.
I waved goodbye to her as I started to walk home.
I could already hear her mother saying "why are you still friends with that girl. you should find some boy friends." I hated those people. The "controlling" people. Always want to make the perfect little life they always dreamed of. To look like everyone else. tsk bullshit.

I got home dad was drunk on the sofa like always didn't give a shit though. Mum no where to be seen.
I walked through my house not feeling like home just walls around me. I came into my room and started to think of a plan to run off with Emma.
1. steal my dad's money
2. run to Emma house
3. pack things
4. steal Emma mums car
5. go anywhere we want.
simple. as I thought....
I waited for my mum to come back home. After some hours I heard a door opening I got up and saw my mother drunk with another dude. pretty obvious what she wanted to do with him.
"AyE tHatS My KidDo" she let's out a laugh as the drunk guy didn't care he just kissed her in front of me and my dad in the other room.
prefect everyone is busy. dad sleeping in the sofa mum having sex with some dude.
as they went away from the hallway to there room my dad was at his sofa. I approach as saw that he drunk more then 10 bottles of beer. his one hand was falling off the sofa still holding the bottle his eyes were shut he was snoring like a pig.
tsk not the cute pigs though. I looked over at the table not knowing where his wallet was really.
I could already hear my mums moaning. as I saw my dad's bag I quickly made my way to it as I heard.
"tsk... hey you fucking useless piece of shit. what are you doing in my lIving room?" he hiccups "didn't I tell you to STAY THE FUCK AWAY?" he started to scream I was standing next to the bag wondering if I should pick it up and run or take my time.
my dad heard the moans as he got up and smashed a bottle on the table getting up making its weapons approching his room he forgot about me.
I quickly grabbed the bag and searched for the wallet as. I grabbed the money I didn't have the time to count it. I quickly put it in my pocket.
I got out of the living room going to my room starting to pack as I heard my dad and mum and some dude starting to scream.
the guy - "h-hey b-bro put the bottle down... "
mum- "d-dear.. "
I didn't care at this point I quickly packed my cloths and put the bag on as I walked out of my room it was a bit quite. to quite.
I approached my mom's and dad room as I saw the blood running down. My mum and dad were standing shocked.
my eyes grew wide. my dad slit the guys throat. with the broken bottle? I felt my dad's fear my mother started to cry. I looked at the guys naked body as his neck looked like the river of blood running down his body
my dad killed someone?... hm.
as I slowly started to walk out the room I heard my dad behind me
"where do you think your going useless"
I quickly turn around and looked at my dad he was holding the broken glass bottle it was dripping blood I could see how tightly he was holding the bottle I tried to stay calm but my voice was a bit shaky.
"i-im going to e-emmas we going... to have a sleep over.. "

he was shaking over anger if I moved he would have swang the bottle to my face
"dad..?" I tried to stay calm
"don't call me that. you useless shit. "
I stayed silent looking at him as mother was crying in the bedroom
"what's in your bag?"
"cloths for a sleepover.. "
"your not going. "
"what why?"
I could see his anger grow even more when I asked that. He didn't hesitate to punched me across the face.
I fell on the floor feeling the pain I rubbed my cheek as I felt that I bit my cheek from the inside and it started to bleed.
my blood tasted wired I didn't like the taste so I spit it out I felt a bit dizzy as I heard my dad screaming at me. I barely heard his voice through my head as my mother rushed to us she started to beg on her knees to probably not hurt me. as I spit the blood on his socks
"your the worse dad. "
I quickly got up and run out of the house I heard him running after me screaming some stupid shit

I got to Emma's house.
our houses where very different mine was broken in the other hand hers was clean and amezing her family? pft. very controlling. and mine? well.
I grabbed my phone to check my face threw the phone camera to see how badly the punch was.
my lip was a bit cut. my cheek was bright red and the other was pale.
I opened my mouth to see where I bit my cheek from the inside.
it was little cut as I took a deep breath and I walked over to her house and I knocked on her door.
The door opened. It was her mother.
she looked at me up and down not even asking where I got the scars she gave me a dirty look as my hero came Emma.
"Omg Eva... did your dad do that? mum can she come in... for a few days please.. "
I could see in her mother's eyes she really wanted to say no but she sighed
"fine. 2 days. max."
I nodded at her as Emma grabbed my hand and took me to her room she sat me down on the bed.
"Eva... what did you do this time... " she grabbed some med kit and started to wipe the blood from my lip
"nothing..... "
I sighed.. "I saw my dad kill someone. "
she froze for a second clearly surprised
"he did what?"
"ugh. mum brought some guy to fuck he found out and killed him with a broken bottle. "
"broke bottle? why didn't you call the cops?"
"because... I had something to do.. "
Emma put the white cloth down and looked into my eyes "what's might that?"

"Emma.... I... I.... "
"you what?"
I looked into her brown eyes my heart pouring out of my chest she was so near me I could see the details on her face
"oh... right... Emma... I got the money... I have a plan... let's run off now.. "
"what? run off. again with this?"
"yes. again. Emma I'm serious let's run off and find a good place finally. we will finally be happy somewhere."

she clearly was speechless and had to think through a lot of stuff.
"Eva this is a big step I mean.... how much money do you even have?"
I remember I didn't count the money I take out of my pocket I had only 400 pounds I looked back into her eyes
"we can steal your parents money steal your moms car and drive somewhere"
"Eva are you nuts. my dad and my mother money is in there office and you know what happens if anyone gose in there. "
"I do. this way I will be able to steal the money and you will help me.. "
I face my body to her and I grabbed her hands and smiled with my fucked up face
"I do anything... let's go please... "
she seemed to like the idea she nodded "fine fine. we gonna have a family dinner... you will pretend to go to the bathroom I will distract them while you go in."
I smiled widely about to kiss her but I pull away she definitely noticed what I wanted to do she was about to say something as her mother came in
"girls. dinner is ready. "
we both looked at her as I let her hands go and we both nodded at her mother looked into my eyes I could feel her anger.

Emma got up as I did to we started to walk to the table. the hole family was there mother was behind us walking. She then sat down as I did to with Emma beside her.
we had roasted chicken I started to dig in as everyone did to.
after some minutes I had to act fast.
"excuse me I have to use the bathroom.. "
Emma nodded I looked at her with a smile her mother and father shrugged and her little brother didn't care much.
I started to walk to the toilet as I quickly went to the office and quickly looked for the money everywhere. I opened one of the draws and my eyes opened wildly
"a gun.. "
under the gun was ton of money I picked it up and grabbed a envelope that was on the fancy table and put the money inside I then hid it under my black hoodie and looked at the gun again before leaving. Leaving everything in place like it was I went back to the dinner table that was deadly silent.
Emma looked at me in a calm expression
after everyone was done eating me and Emma went off to her room
"did you get it?" she whisper to me as I nodded we then sat on her bed she closed the door and walked up to me
"when should we leave... dad will probably realize about the money soon.. "
"tonight! let's go at midnight or at 1 am.. "
"alright... "
"you okay?"
I saw the pain in her eyes as she hugged me I was a bit surprised but hugged her back
"hey hey I'm here... shh.. "
"Eva... I'm scared what if they catch us.. "
"that won't happen... I won't let them... shhh... "

I was hugging her as the mum came in.

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