

Last Word
13 June, 2020
Room no. 9
2:15 pm
A room cleaner staff (a lady )came to my room. She was unknown to me. At first I didn't talk with her. After some hours she started to talk with me. As soon as friendly we became to make fun with each other......
But suddenly a phone came to my mobile. The number was unknown... I received the call..... the other person's voice was of a lad.
I started to talk smartly. He gave me his identity.
I was talking with him in phone continuously.
I noticed the Staff, who again and again covered her face with a stole....Then I cut the call and suddenly went to the staff and removed her stole from her face.......
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!
Being shocked by seeing her face I fall down on the floor. Her face was bloody , horror face...And She was my school life friend Zara, whom I and some friends pushed on a road for playing a game, unfortunately a travel luxury bus gone over her.....from then we knew that she was not alive in the world..........
Then She threw the room cleaner cloth from her hand.....And told me.... "Don't make fun any fool friends like me, mind that The earth is circle. "

