

Ry Pov
Then came in her. She was beautiful. Her skin was pale with a rose tint to it, her eyes were the prettiest shade of red. Her body wasn't to feminie or masculine she was lean like a warrior. "Eren come meet your future husband" said the king. Eren turned to me and did a courtesy bow "Your majesty" she said like it was rehearsed. Wait what the hell this is a male , they honestly think l woudn't smell the difference. l am a shapeshifter otherwise called Lyncan. How do you think my army has conquer this kingdom but they had wolfsbane which was deadly to us. Furthermore we are natrul enemies because she l mean he is a rabbit shifter. " It's almost noon we need to leave for my kingdom today so l'm going to order my guards to get the carriage ready." I said . " Okay but may I leave I have something of importance to do." I replied " Don't take to long" "Yes your-" "You don't have to call me that you can call me Ry." He said "Yes Ry" ;he then left hurridley . I then faced the king and smirked and said"You know your majesty false identy is high treson" he instanly paled "H- How did you find out." he stamered "By his scent." I repiled "Damn wolf" he gruffed out. "What was that." "Nothing but do you still want to marry him." he asked I repiled " Yes you don't have any better option but let me tell you this he will be no more than a concubine this marriage is just for benefit." I coldly stated.

Eren Pov
I ran straigth to the traingroom where most of the soliders hang to say bye to my bestfriend Gale. I saw him and headed toward him and said " He is here" He then looked at me with a sad simle while patting me on the head and said "You sure you don't want to run away with me we could start-" I shut him down the same time saying " I told you I am not attracted to men and this involves two countries I can't." "I just came to say good bye". Then my maidservant said" Your highness its to go"

In the carriage I could feel the prince's gaze at me then "How long are you going to ware that dress and pretend your a girl." I was shocked "You-you knew." " I-" "Oh look we have reached my castle." True to his words I looked out to see a castle three times bigger than mine.Then the carriage stopped then I hopped off only to be grabbed by prince Ry with a grib that could kill. Prince Ry then looked into my eyes and said"look here there are some ground rules first you are not my equal, you are to stay behind me; you are no more than a figure head to me you will be my concubine. With that being said welcome to the wolfs den". A sudden feeling of dread rushed over me maybe I should have ran away.

thx for reading love and commemt oh l would love for someone to come with a ship name for Ry and Eren till next time bye