

Act 3
A month later

In Harrison college ,( kasle's class)

Mr Norman::( teaching) do you all understand
All::yes sir
Mr Norman:: keep your notes and bring out a sheet of paper,I want to conduct a snap test (wrote the questions on the board)
Calvin::(drawing) oh I made a mistake (open his locker)where is my eraser
Alexis::(silently) Calvin, what are you doing ,a teacher is in class
Mr Norman::hey you are doing a test close your locker
Calvin::(searching his locker)oh I left it at home
Mr Norman::(close Calvin's locker)are you deaf to close your locker
Calvin:: come on man am looking for my eraser can I make an announcement
Mr Norman:: am telling you to close your locker,wait you were drawing in my class
Clavin::yes any problem
Mr Norman:: don't you have manner am talking to you and you are sitting
Clavin::(stand angrily)to hell with your test
Alexis:: come on Calvin u re doing the wrong thing
Clavin::and who is he to question my manners ( to Mr Norman) mind yourself if you want to keep your job
Mr Norman:: I don't blame you (walks out of the class angrily)
During Break
in the library

Sandra:: what that Calvin did was stupid, because he is a prince, he's just acting the way he likes.
Bella::I prefer Alexis to him
Anna::he is also proud but not rude and he's handsome
Bella:: well Calvin is also handsome
Anna::I never said he's not
Sandra:: Kasle you are not saying anything
Kasle:: what should I say,you girls better watch what you say,they might have spies around and you know if they get to know we are in trouble.
Sandra:: that's true,but we are saying the truth
Kasle::no one cares about the truth Sandra
Sandra::if you say so , anyone travelling for this coming holiday
All:: NO

Scene 2
In the palace

Alexis::Dad, Calvin spoke rudely to a teacher today,Mr Norman was so angry that he walked out of the class
Clavin::(enters)he is lying father,I wasn't rude
Alexis::then what should I call what you did,he even refer you back home
Lukas::who is that teacher,who refer you back home
Calvin:: it's Mr Norman,he said I lack manner,that you didn't train me well even if I tried explaining to him that i was looking for my pen
Alexis:: it's a lie father he was drawing in class,LIAR
Lukas::shut up u silly, how dare you call your brother a liar
Alexis::are you believing what he said, father he is lying
Lukas:: get out of here
Alexis::(beat his chest)are you talking to me
Lukas::no am talking to your mother
Alexis:: but what have I done,I only reported him to you and you are insulting me
Calvin::he was also rude dad
Alexis::to hell with you bloody liar!!!!!
Lukas::both of you, out of my presence now
Alexis::I was leaving (leaves)
Calvin:: sorry dad
Lukas::I said out
Clavin:: okay

light fades

Scene 3
In Ranata's chamber
Alexis::mom,I don't like what dad's doing
Ranata:: what is it dear
Alexis::I told him Calvin was rude to a teacher and he still pass his anger out on me instead of him
Ranata:: sorry maybe you said something that made him angry or maybe.....
Alexis::( cuts in) taking his side again
Ranata::it not like that try to understand
Alexis::try to understand what,try to understand that we have to follow the rules,if I have to what prevent Clavin from doing so?
Ranata::never compare yourself to him, he's mannerless and you must not be . there's a reward for everything you do, don't you understand
Alexis::I do, very well but am tried of living like this
Ranata::it would be better dear
okay,where is Areta?
Ranata:: she's is older than you, you call her sis
Alexis:: okay, where's sister Areta
Ranata:: that's my good boy, check her chamber and make sure you do your assignment
Alexis:: okay

light fades

© funmilayo mide