

Falling in love with a wild horse
I didn't dare breathe staring into it's deep blue eyes afraid it would dash away into the thick forest. I reached desperately around my jeans pocket and felt relieved when I found it. I held out the shiny red apple that I was supposed to have for lunch. After a minute of waiting patiently I felt the soft, grey nose brush along my hand and take a large bite out of the apple. "Chelsea where are you?" Echoed the annoying voice of my little sister. I heard her drop her bike it made a loud crunching sound against the small gravel path. Suddenly the horse reared up onto it's hind legs. Its white mane unbrushed and tattered blew in the wind. Then in a split second it was gone as fast as the wind. I turned around and gave my little sister a death-stare. "Can't you ever be quiet?" I yelled. I didn't mean to be so harsh but the words just tumbled out. I just wished she hadn't scared it away." Let's go home it's getting late" I said picking up my bike. The next morning when I woke up I looked at the calendar frowning then I remembered it was school holidays. I bounded out of bed and got changed sculled my breakfast down and brought some carrots and apples with me. I excitedly shoved the food into my basket on the front of my bike and ran to grab my drink bottle. "Chelsea" my mum said hands on hips "You know if you go some where you have to take your little sister with you!" I sighed and nodded waiting for my sister who was taking ages. "Where are we going?" Mae asked hopping on her bike. "None of your business!" I snapped "now shush and keep up." I tied my hair back and clipped my helmet and then hopped on my bike. I peddled until I found the small gravel road leading into the dense forest. I placed my bike gently against a large oak tree and looked over my shoulder to check if Mae was following. The songs of birds surrounded us and the chattering of the little creek that ran along the edge of the forest. The sun shone down warming my face. I walked along the path gravel crunching under my boots Mae followed briskly, puzzled at the food in my hands. Then the sound I was waiting for wafted through the air. It was the perfect clip-clop sound of a horse coming through the forest. A big smile swept across my face but soon shattered when I saw that it was not my beloved wild horse. Two girls weaving in and out of pine trees on their horses talking and laughing, completely oblivious to everything around them. After about half an hour of Mae complaining I was getting tired and annoyed. I sighed and sat under a tree "Mae do you have your watch on?" I asked, she nodded. "Meet me back here in ten minutes and don't scream my name this time!" I said heading off deeper into the forest. "I don't like the forest it's scary!" Mae called back I pretend to ignore her but maybe she was right. I quickly changed my mind when I saw the elegant shape of a white hind leg dotted with grey spots and a pure white flowing tail blowing in the breeze. It was unmistakably the wild horse I smiled and held out one of the carrots. The horse looked at me and seemed to remember it took the carrot and neighed "you're welcome" I said holding out the rest of the food. It was such a magical moment gazing up at the horse. If I was going to ever think of him as my horse I would have to name him. I thought hard then I got it "Caprice" I said "do you like that?" He shook his mane as if he was saying no. "How about Silver?" He neighed in approval. Then after feeding him the rest of the food I told him to meet me at my house tomorrow. As I walked back to the meeting spot I was thinking silly I was, Silver wouldn't come to my house. Then Mae and I rode home on our bikes. It was only after getting home that I realized I was desperate for a horse! How beautiful they were, especially Silver. I started drawing stables and pictures of me riding Silver. I wrote short stories and even decided to braid my hair. It was then when I realised this was my dream. I heard a neigh at the window...