

All Yours (Part 1)

"In the corners of your mind, there are smiles and memories that you cannot just leave behind, that you cannot just forget."
said Malti as she choked on her tears, biting lips and completed her Ted Talk. Which was followed by applause and cheers of appreciation.
At the end of event, people approached her with smiling faces wanting to get a selfie and autograph. "Ma'am please look over here", "Ma'am can I get a picture with you" was echoing all through the hallway. Why won't they? She was one of the most renowned poet who specialised writing about heartbreak which connected to every age group whether it was a teenager or an old man. "Ma'am who's your inspiration, who's this anonymous person you're always writing about" said someone from the crowd which froze Malti on her feet. She ignored it and continued taking selfie and signing autograph with smiling face. "Thank you all so much for your love and support, I couldn't be more grateful, you all made me who I am today, without your unconditional love and affection I wouldn't be standing here" said Malti as she flicked her long green gown and bowed down to everyone.
She exited the event followed by her body guard who made way for her through the crowd of news reporter, paparazzi and fans.
Her body guard opened the door of her car and approached her hand, she slided in the car and finally entered her comfort zone.
She untied her tight bun and finally let it loose and she opened the bottle of her beer.
She chuged it down her throat as she held her tears back.
As she entered her luxurious duplex house, she noticed lights were off and there was mere awkward silence, there was just noise of her heels clacking the floor. "Chotu" "Geeta" she called out her cook and maid's name. There was no response. As soon as she entered her bedroom there were cheers and clapping from behind. "Happy Birthday to you" sang everyone in unison as her best friend Susan appeared from the crowd with gleeing face and a two storey vannila fruit cake in her hand which was adorned by exotic fruits and bedazzled edible pearls.
She was in awe, she stood aside the table cutting the cake and feeding pieces by her hand to her best friend Susan followed by other friends and the workers.
"Thank you so much everyone this was totally unexpected, Wow! I'm wonderstrucked." Malti said as she blew flying kisses to everyone, to which everyone responded with "love you" "congrats" and such.
There were bells and cracker, beers and wines.
Then she heard a familiar manly voice from the door which said "Maltiii"

To be continued...

© tvisha