

being isolated
Everyone thinks covid is just a child's play trust me when I say it is not a child's play yes I had covid but what's good about my age I didnt get symptoms at all just tested positive if I could bring my mom here she would've told you how horrible it was one thing I could say some days I felt nub because of migraines my migraines came with nausea 😱 but I didn't vomit. Everyday we start with breakfast then we get this horrible mixture of garlic ginger tumeric lemon and honey then we had to chew the crashed garlic and ginger 🤮 so every morning that was our routine, my grandmother would knock on the door and ask us if we are okay and need anything poor gran😭💔 having to deal with two patients it was driving her crazy😱when we wanted to go out and feel the sun burning our skin she refused, when we had to take our foods she would tell us to take it and close the door, when we opened the door she'll be like hey you close that door! the treatment was horrible having to be stuck in the same room everyday not feeling the sun burn when you try to go out people think that you'll infect them, It even stays that way your friends won't even support you they'll tell you to go retest to see if you are negative 😱 do they even know how painful it is to test I went there 2 times and I'm done I won't go back again my doctor has a rough hand😱 the nose testing is horrible 😭💔 my lovies if you have a friend like this don't judge them just isolate from them they're the reason why they wrote this quote when days are dark friends are few 😭💯. My mothers symptoms were an ongoing cough, runny stomach ,painful stomach cramps that made her stay up all night long and fever; she said she felt as if her clothes were wet because of the fever 🙈 if we were in this position the stomach cramps would've felt like we were in labor giving birth to twins but thanks to our immune systems the babies and teens we have strong fighting immune systems🥺❤ my problem was just a migraine it wasn't severe it came and went away.

lesson learned was to always be prepared for the worst 💯 wear mask "which we did" sanitize "which we did" I actually think vivid attacks those who are scared of it 💯 what do you think comment below I'd like to hear your views and opinions 😁
