

Mirror (Alternative endings)....
Below is a story which I have written but the end you have to complete you can d o any alternative ending 's, any you want just at the end of you story write ( #Mirrors end )so that I can see all of the amazing endings you guys will come up with 😊

Thanks enjoy!

"Samuel you done!? "
"Almost !"
the bathroom door opened and out came a medium height, 14year old boy with blond ,short hair and lush green eyes.Samuel
Samuel entered a small cramped, untidy room with a double bed on a corner and a blue and black carpet .and on the lower bed was seated Doug his bigger brother. and big he was, he wore long boxers and a solid colour blue night suit ."it took you long enough now come on its getting late tommorow school we don't wanna be late we should get to sleep "
"okay "whispered Samuel. and climbed up into his bed and lay down. and then soon came the other day.

"We are late Sam WOUlD YOU WAKE UP!! "
Samuel suddenly got woken up and jolted into a sitting position "Iam awake iam awake! "
Doug was shouting at Sam from the floor
"Why even is he waking me up "Sam wondered "OMGtoday is school!! "Samuel ran down his double-decker bed and starting putting on a shirt. He ran out of the room grabbing his bag in the way and came down in the living room he then approached the kitchen were he saw his mother looking very worried looking at Samuel. "Good bye sweetie , don't miss the bus." Bye mum "Samuel said while kissing his mother and went of to catch the bus
Thankfully he caught the bus just as it was gonna drive off and ata Down in the crowded bus and took a sigh of relief. soon the bus got to the school and Samuel just waked up to the yard and went straight into the corridor looking for The new timetable. Samuel never did have any friends but he did have enemies. and then Samuel saw them slowly approach him . Samuel didn't spot the until they were right up to Samuel. "Oh looked here it's little Sammy always Sooo late! "laughed the leader of the group

"Leavee alone "whispered Samuel "Oh Sammy Sam is about to cry On sorry I heart your feelings "said the leader and the others laughed like hyenas. .

The rest of the day was just okay and then After the long day Sam finally came home and went up to his room. Doug was there already playing one of his many video games. Doug looked up at Samuel and almost fell back "WHAT Happened "Samuel said looking surprised." Doug just looked back down to his game and didn't say anything. Samuel suddenly rushed towards the bathroom and looked into the mirror. "OMG!! "He whispered what happened "he stared into his face. it looked distorted ,it... wasn't the same......