

Grandma's hunt
My grandma loved the outdoors, she enjoyed going fishing and camping and hunting. My grandma had celebrated her 92nd birthday and we were talking about all the hunting and fishing adventures we had been fortunate to enjoy.
I was telling her about some hunters were still able to go hunting even though they were older. Grandma's eye's lit up and she was going to check out maybe going hunting in the Fall. She asked me if I wouldn't mind her borrowing the .243 rifle that she had given me. I said that it would be alright with me.
Well now grandma was not the kind of hunter who sprayed deer urine on her clothes to mask her scent or even wear camaflouge. Nope not my grandma !
The Fall morning grandma show's up wearing purple sweatpants and a pink sweatshirt. Plus her hunter orange vest and orange hunting cap. Talk about psychedelic hunting gear. I was thinking to myself every deer is going to run like hell if they caught a glimpse of her hunting git up. But I didn't want to bust her bubble or ruin her excitement about going deer hunting since she first moved to Nebraska. By the way grandma's mode of transportation to go out to her friend's land for the deer hunt was her 2009 Buick century custom 4 door car.
Grandma left early that morning and I was praying that she would have alot of fun going out and spending time outdoors with her friends. I was working on some stuff at my house, when here comes grandma pulling up her Buick and honking her horn. I was thinking where was the fire. Grandma came rushing up to the house and she was so full of excitement and telling me to get my camera. I asked her why I needed to get the camera and she said just get it and come outside and look at her car. I grabbed the camera and she was standing by the open trunk of her Buick and low and behold there's this big whitetail buck inside of the trunk !!! Big rack and body !!!
I was in shock and grandma couldn't contain her excitement and told me to start taking pictures of her and her buck.
Once I get over the shock that my 92 year old grandma wearing her purple sweatpants and pink sweatshirt with her hunter orange gear had successfully shot a deer, I asked her to tell me about her hunt.
Well her morning started out with having to ride on a 4 wheeler out bumping up and down ravines and scouting out looking for deer. She was dropped off in a stand of trees near a small stream and she just watched and waited. Well then here comes a couple of does with this big buck trailing behind them.
Well grandma grabbed her rifle and she said that she shot the buck on the run.
I stopped grandma right there and I said what in the world were you doing running with a rifle with 2 knee replacement's and 2 hip replacement's and a bad shoulder !!! Grandma's like Pat I wasn't running the buck was running and I shot him while he was running. At this point I was relieved !! I was saying thank you to the good Lord for keeping my grandma safe and sound.
After grandma was done telling me about her adventure she then said okay I need to go to the deer checkpoint and then get my buck to the processors. I told grandma congratulations on getting her buck and on the first day. Grandma had an awesome day hunting and we both enjoyed the venison. Grandma had the rack mounted and then a deerskin jacket made. That was Grandma's last hunt and I'm so happy that she was able to get outside for one last hunting adventure.
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