

Dear me and every soul
Yes sometimes we do disesteem ourself .
We don't know what are we, what are we adequate of.
But aftersome time we by ourself come to know about our capabiltites, faintness, potential.
Don't leave but fight what hurts you most.
No matter others have givenup on you but the most important is you don't give up on yourself.
Work on your weak points make them your fortitude.
Make yourself hard strong n stable.
Never forget you are the best and you are going to give your best.
Learn from ur mistakes. After facing the worst situations its you yes you have to decide wether you have to move on a progressive forward -looking positive way which after some time will make you improved person or you want to move on the path where you attribute yourself cry stuck by there whole time. Give time to yourself think you know better whats right and wrong for you. You have to decide and take a move no one is going to make it for you. Get out from your comfort zone change ur mindset but in a positive way.
#inspirational #positivewrites #positivethinking #motivational #neverstop