

Sitting in a press conference Sameera was somewhere lost in her thoughts, She was wondering how she became an inspiration for many today. And few years back she was a curse for many, her own family members didn't accepted her because she was claimed for death of her first husband and also how can she file divorce against her second husband and take such a bold step. And it was something unacceptable for many as society can't accept it that how a women is not compromising on her self respect. Now people give respect to her, today she is a brand in herself, youngest entrepreneur, owner of a orphanage, Social worker. She has achieved everything she wanted. But there was time when she spent her many nights in a one room where she used to live with her daughter. As her parents also thrown her out from their home after her divorce. Sameera was graduated in MBA from a very famous University. But she never used that for the sake of her married life as her husband didn't like to give money power to a women. So she sacrificed her dream, but now she was divorced for which she don't blame her husband because she believes it was her own fault that she given him power over her which he misused.
Now Sameera is far away from those days she is a single and proud mother, she rules her life and don't give power to someone else. She faced all her hardships just by looking to her 4 year daughter which was always in hope that things will become better and with that motivation now Sameera is alot more then she ever imagined. She lives life with a rule of "my life my choice". Sameera never given power to herself for her own life following the society's rules but when she given herself power she is someone everyone wants to become. Now she fight for women against domestic violence because she knew the pain of being in that situation. She provides financial help to those women who are suffereing. And she is someone who have all the power for her life.
© Kannu