

My Best Friend
when I was in high school I had a friend who was absolutely beautiful, smart and had a great body. I was just an ordinary girl and I didn't own beautiful clothes. I loved my best friend with all my heart but I hated the fact that nobody notices me even when I'm walking with her, people greeted her only and praised her. I always felt invisible.

Even though she was different from me in so many ways, I loved her and she loved me too. She used to protect me from people who bullied me. I always wondered how can a beautiful girl like her be friends with someone like me, I mean like I wasn't in her league.

In tenth grade she started hanging out with girls who were popular for doing bad things. She started smoking weed, drinking alcohol and hanging out with notorious boys. She stopped talking to me. When I reached out to her she told me to leave her alone, her new friends would call me horrible names,they called me a toothpick because I was thin. I was always sad, when it's lunch time I used to hide in the toilets away from everyone because I was a laughing stock at school.

My best friend changed, she became darker in complexion and she lost weight too much. I wanted to help her get back to her old self but I couldn't because I was afraid of her and her new friends. Her grades dropped and mine went way up!.

I completed my matric and I passed very well, I went to university of Cape Town to study law. I completed my studies and I became a professional attorney. For the first time in my life I was proud of myself .

I bought a house in Sandton and I found new good friends and a boyfriend. My life was good. I was proud of myself and I started loving my thin body as it is. One day while I was watching the news on television I saw my high school best friend and her friends caught for selling drugs and their bodies for money. I felt sorry for her.