

Damn Nurses
Some are good. Some are bad. The ones that are good are the kind of people that we need more of in this world. This one RN I witnessed recently, is so gentle and kind. She is that way with all the patients she comes in contact with, from super rude old asshole patients to patients that might not even understand how loving and concerning she is with them. As I was drawing some blood fromone asshole patient( he is an asshole because I have been dealing with this perticular patient for over a year and every time it comes to drawing his blood or doing anything he doesn’t want to do, his wife lovingly and patiently will tell him how he needs to do these things so he can stay with her in the world longer, and while she says this, he is calling her a stupid fucking bitch, cunt, ect...I am all for people choosing to live or not, but there are nicer ways of going about it) he is currently non verbable, as I stick the needle in his vien you can see the look of discomfort on his face and this nurse is talking to him sweetly and I see a tear rolling down her face, she hadn’t known him very long, I was thinking if you couldonly read his thoughts and knew the kind of fifth he was probably spewing our way. You probably wouldn't be so upset. I know I wasn’t.
Fucking nurses. I’m not. Can’t fill shit out right. Blame me for shit I didn’t do. What’s that I have to explain to you the steps on how to draw from a PICC line, even though I am not legally allowed to draw from one myself, oh and you need ME to help you start that IV. This one horrible nurse would cuss at his patients because they could not hear him, belittle them when he got the chance behind their back, guess what time to retire. Not that most people are fun to deal with when they are in pain and where they don’t want to be, so I could see it getting old and there’s definitely some rascals that whatever you came in their room for you will end up doing 10 other things for them by the time you leave, or having a super interesting conversation about when Pyramid Lake highway wasn’t paved and Sparks and Reno were small towns, how kids would ride their bikes all around until dark. Conversations you could sit and listen to forever longer than possible but, things to do, papers to be signed and questions to be asked by, FUCKING nurses.