

Death Scandal (Part 3)
It was at three o' clock that Riyaz woke up from sleeping deeply. The reason why he woke up, he understood that very well. There were noises coming out of out of the hallroom downstairs, noises of a great crowd of people as though in a party. Riyaz's fear had, by that time, increased to its limits. He faced the other way. Osman is not sitting in the footstool next to the bed anymore. He got up on his bed. Osman is nowhere to be seen, but he must not delay running downstairs and see what actually is happening.

Riyaz wore his jacket, a jacket he had worn when he was looting the bank. It was still soaked with blood.

Opening the bedroom door, Riyaz gave a peep downstairs. The noise was coming out of the hallroom whose doors were closed. He ran downstairs until he reached the doors. With only a little push, they opened and with it opened up, what seemed to Riyaz as a whole new world. He couldn't gaze for long and soon covered his eyes. The room was bright, intensely bright as it looked in Riyaz's sleepy eyes adapted in the dark. The room was filled with people and with Riyaz opening the door, they all turned their faces toward him. All noises stopped for few seconds but then the crowd yelled in excitement.
"Our judge has come!" Yelled the crowd.
They took Riyaz and sat him on a golden throne. Riyaz couldn't say anything. He could understand well that the people in the crowd are all dead in some way when he saw the bank manager, the security guard and Osman sitting in a corner of the room. He just had to let everything happen until he was harmed....

(Final part coming soon)
© RAli